Oct 2021
9:28am, 28 Oct 2021
14,293 posts
I think the coronavirus support (not discussion) thread is supposed to stay non-judgemental, but I don't follow it enough to be sure that it's always working that way.
Oct 2021
9:31am, 28 Oct 2021
9,595 posts
ER, there are now 2 coronavirus threads now similar to the parkrun threads, one more for support.
Oct 2021
9:32am, 28 Oct 2021
9,596 posts
Badger beat me to it Sadly I have been posting on the support thread more this week as my son has covid.
Oct 2021
9:39am, 28 Oct 2021
21,521 posts
I have my favourite threads, where I understand what is going on and have got to "know" the Fetchies who frequent them; I contribute on those.
I lurk on a few other threads but don't contribute because either I don't fully understand things (eg. Chess) or I don't want to get into a discussion to justify my view if I don't agree with a post (eg. Politics), but I'm interested in what others have to say. When they get heated or too complex I depart for a while. Fetch is somewhere I come to unwind, not get agitated and confused - I have real life for those I suspect most active Fetchies are similar.
Oct 2021
9:41am, 28 Oct 2021
18,237 posts
seconded Gimme thats how i use fetch
Oct 2021
9:48am, 28 Oct 2021
43,534 posts
You describee well Gimme
Oct 2021
9:52am, 28 Oct 2021
1,628 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Spot on Gm!
Also we don’t all have to agree on everything to get along! I think most active fetchies have similar values! I value the community that I’ve found here on fetch!
Oct 2021
9:58am, 28 Oct 2021
55,797 posts
Lip Gloss
I get that we don’t have to agree but I was on thread which is mainly male oriented and one or two of them got a bit personal. Hey I can give as good as I get but there is no need for nastiness especially to someone you don’t really know.
Oct 2021
10:04am, 28 Oct 2021
1,629 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
I get where you are coming from LG and agree 100%, I am ultra sensitive because of the autism but also I am aware that I can easily say the wrong thing without realising, I absolutely would hate to upset or offend anyone, especially here!
Oct 2021
10:05am, 28 Oct 2021
21,524 posts
👏👏👏 Spot on LG - it's easy to forget that we don't really know people we chat to on here.