Jun 2020
10:00pm, 7 Jun 2020
11,723 posts
Mine was in a very sheltered bay on Mallorca. Very safe. The Caribbean sounds like more fun. I’m hoping to get back to scuba diving when I retire so maybe that’d be the first place to visit.
Jun 2020
10:09pm, 7 Jun 2020
5,849 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I was incredibly lucky to learn on the picturesque island of Bequia. My wife was at medical school on the main island (St Vincent) so each morning I got a ferry over (not the best bit if the day, I don't like boats on rough seas!). I was the only student so the Instructor was training the Dive Master to train me. Fantastic diving and still the warmest water I've dived in. Then back to a little beach bar near the jetty to drink rum with the locals to give me courage for the return journey.
Jun 2020
10:49pm, 7 Jun 2020
47,013 posts
I liked the Scottish country dancing. Having to dance with boys at school was a bit gruesome, but I appreciated knowing all the dances and being confident to get up on the floor when I went to ceilidhs and Burns suppers and suchlike not at school.
Jun 2020
11:15pm, 7 Jun 2020
19,365 posts
I've been wondering this past week if I didn't spend more effort trying to prevent my idleness being noticed during school athletics than it would have cost me to get on with doing the athletics.
OTOH I was probably far more successful at the former than I could possibly have become at the latter.
Jun 2020
7:22am, 8 Jun 2020
8,220 posts
I liked cross country at school but ending up playing tennis because my dad played and dropped the running. Funnily, I had an eye problem in 2012 which caused me not to be able to play tennis and so I took back up running to stay fit.
Jun 2020
7:36am, 8 Jun 2020
11,724 posts
Sounds fab, 57.5 DoP.
My school PE lessons were always a trial because I was so uncoordinated, Chris. I think the PE teachers got fed up with me. Then I broke my hip (not at school fortunately!) This was followed by months where I struggled with exercise only for me to be taken back into hospital before my sixteenth birthday because it hadn’t healed properly. You could say my experience of school PE wasn’t great!
Jun 2020
10:21am, 8 Jun 2020
14 posts
School cross country was run on sand dunes - now banned I understand due to the amount of damage we all did. I quickly found that I could get more house-points by volunteering to be a marker than I could ever achieve by running against the various time standards!
Jun 2020
12:25pm, 8 Jun 2020
11,776 posts
I broke an arm in PR at school. I always said it was bad for you.....
There were 3 of us who were fat and or uncoordinated enough to always be the last 3 on the wall when picking teams. You could see kids who could spell their own names suddenly doing the mental gymnastics and tactics to work out who to pick first to dump the other side with some dead weight.....
Of those 3, the most hardcore "anti exercise" of us has just died (last month) of ongoing cardiac issues.
(I've lost touch with the other one.)
Jun 2020
1:35pm, 8 Jun 2020
5,858 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
I was listening to something about spotting different postboxes (I'm avoiding social media so it's probably been a 'thing' for a while) on this morning's run. Which made me think of Eye-spy books.
This was a staple of virtually every holiday in the 70s. Which then made me think of this thread! Sure I'm not the only one.
Jun 2020
2:05pm, 8 Jun 2020
37,603 posts
Oh yes! We had loads. I think I might still have some somewhere.