Jun 2011
9:30am, 7 Jun 2011
7,089 posts
Nick Cook
Yes - I thought mine strangled me when I first put it on (and when I first swam in it), but it's ok now. You do need to get used to it though.
Jun 2011
10:53am, 7 Jun 2011
380 posts
Thanks Nick and DD.
If I try it in the water will they still let me exchange it?
Also length wise how long should the legs be? Mine is just slightly below halfway between my knee and ankle.
Jun 2011
11:07am, 7 Jun 2011
42,354 posts
Crap Weather !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If it is crap later I am not coming
Jun 2011
11:17am, 7 Jun 2011
7,092 posts
Nick Cook
It's not crap in Maidenhead at the moment!
Jun 2011
11:21am, 7 Jun 2011
7,094 posts
Nick Cook
LizzieB - I don't think length matters. Mine goes right down to my ankles (I've got little leggies), but I've seen lots half way down the calves.
Jun 2011
11:32am, 7 Jun 2011
42,359 posts
More rubber more float
NoCock - can you give me an area weather report around 17.00 ?
Seriously don't want to swim in the rain
Jun 2011
11:43am, 7 Jun 2011
7,095 posts
Nick Cook
Yep - I'll see what it's like just before I leave.
Jun 2011
1:31pm, 7 Jun 2011
24,387 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Do they do OW sessions at Serpentine for people with too much time on their hands then
Jun 2011
1:46pm, 7 Jun 2011
8,591 posts
Yorkshire Pie
Another question about wetsuit length. I have a very fat ankle (I broke it and had it pinned years ago and it's still swollen - and probably always with be). It's no issue running or doing anything with it, it's just a bit big. Which makes it a pain in the arse to get the wetsuit off over it. I saw someone somewhere else suggesting that it was fine to cut a bit off the legs of the wetsuit and I'm wondering if that would help (as the gap at the bottom would be wider if I cut the bottom of the leg off). But I don't really want to irrevocably mutilate my wetsuit if it's going to destroy it!
Jun 2011
1:50pm, 7 Jun 2011
7,097 posts
Nick Cook
I liberally apply bodyglide round my ankles before I put my wetsuit on. I don't have a large ankle, but the bodyglide makes the suit much easier to get off.