May 2011
5:22pm, 29 May 2011
3,626 posts
No but they advise it. You can just turn up on the day for both technique and fitness sessions if there are places available. You just have to turn up early.
I think it's cheaper if you book in advance for a block of sessions.
What do you mean, it's a bit early! You is an ironman
May 2011
5:25pm, 29 May 2011
3,627 posts
Thanks, Miss lippy and manda r.
That's what I did at London Tri last year - breast stroke with head out of the water. Wasn't last out of the water but not far off. Entered the 2011 race the following day - don't like to be beaten by anything. Least of all a drop of water
May 2011
5:31pm, 29 May 2011
24,142 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
That's right I need my sleep
May 2011
7:44pm, 29 May 2011
1,115 posts
Paul Snell
Suit was great in the race swim today (750metres). I let the other people go then swam and caught up with quite a few. No problems with excessive water penetration (put it on better, plus went for a dip before the off), but was very unbalanced/dizzy during T1 - had to hold onto the racking bar to get my feet out so I didn't fall over. Good swimming!
May 2011
7:52pm, 29 May 2011
3,629 posts
I've been reading a book this week (Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run by Andy Holgate) that suggested ear plugs stop you feeling dizzy in T1 or just post OW swim.
Anyone tried this?
May 2011
7:52pm, 29 May 2011
3,630 posts
And nice racing Paul.
Where were you?
May 2011
7:52pm, 29 May 2011
24,157 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I take it you know that man then
May 2011
7:57pm, 29 May 2011
3,631 posts
I'm guessing that's a trick question and I should?
He mentions RW but not Fetch. I being completely thick? It wouldn't be the first time. Or are you just accusing me of plugging the book? I work in a bookshop, me. I'll plug any book
May 2011
8:01pm, 29 May 2011
3,633 posts
As you were....just found Holgs profile.
May 2011
8:07pm, 29 May 2011
24,161 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Aha Yes he's habitual on the 220 thread and even been know to show his face on the other Tri threads