Love: mine is Zero

20 watchers
Mar 2020
9:29pm, 27 Mar 2020
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I've flipped my steps goal. If I get to 10,000 in s day, I think I must have been out too much.

Planning a lot more yoga and maybe even some press ups.
Mar 2020
9:32pm, 27 Mar 2020
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I'm doing less loggable exercise but more useful activity, lugging furniture around and getting on and off a decorating platform.
Mar 2020
10:48am, 28 Mar 2020
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I still have REST days on my schedule but have been going out for a walk on those days and on the day that I have a turbo session instead of a run. I figure that is just the amount of walking I would do on normal day so not extra training.

I agree I need to feel focused, too, Sharkie.
Eddie asked me what I wanted the coming week to look like and "focused" was the word I used.

I have also been thinking about little bursts of activity during my working day, like AL. I have counted my stairs and can do step reps, I'm also doing all my VC meetings (I have a LOT) at the stand up desk and did some stretching and squats during the meetings at various points yesterday.

And like V'Rap, my useful household activity level has increased :-)

Sorry...that should have been a blog!
Mar 2020
11:35am, 28 Mar 2020
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I’m doing the stretch session by hptanya on Instagram... really enjoying them and my hips felt great on today’s run after two sessions.
Jun 2020
12:43pm, 3 Jun 2020
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I was reminded of this thread while out on a seeking ride just now - it was a ride rather than a run both because it'[s the only way I'm going to get to far flung corners and root out those pesky hiders (check out if you don't know what I'm talking about) and because it's been too warm to run comfortably during the day lately, but mostly because last week turned into a 7 day run streak because of the Centuron One challenge thing and it left me absolutely broken.

I had a total zero day on Monday (well, I cleaned a lot, but I only got sweaty because it was so warm, not because I was really exerting myself), and yesterday could barely manage a 3k run in the morning.

No more streaking for me, even for just 7 days!
Jun 2020
2:06pm, 3 Jun 2020
37,420 posts
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Yup. I really need rest at the moment as I'm weary all the time.
Jun 2020
8:17pm, 3 Jun 2020
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I have had three days off post Centurion One challenge. Just a few gentle yoga sessions.
Excited to be running again tomorrow :-)

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About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
Welcome to what may be the least watched, least contributed to, thread ...ever.

It's for everyone (well, me) that thinks real Rest Days are vital and a grand thing in themselves. And for everyone (well, me) who feels that one day at a time DONE WELL is always better than half arsed for-evers.

There will be RULES of course (my ball, my game)

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  • streaking

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