Jan 2020
11:11pm, 29 Jan 2020
33,042 posts
I haven't done any exercise except walking up the stairs at work. Am still knackered.
Feb 2020
6:23pm, 23 Feb 2020
15,783 posts
I 'think' I'm seeing the benefit of not doing three track sessions a week with more strength work instead.
Also I'm defnitely no slower for having at least one proper rest day a week.
Feb 2020
6:34pm, 23 Feb 2020
14,623 posts
Awaiting first race of the year before I can reach any conclusions - but I am enjoying a more mixed approach - and I like feeling more relaxed about my approach to running.
Mar 2020
4:31pm, 27 Mar 2020
15,914 posts
I think it's a good time to crank this thread up again.
In fact what better time to make rest days count and run days count? Beneficial to the nationwide effort and one's own fitness. I reckon planning is even more important (and helpful) now if we don't want to lose hard won gains, or even basic fitness.
I could write an essay.....
Mar 2020
5:09pm, 27 Mar 2020
34,544 posts
I'm having fewer, what I call, rest days (i.e. ones where I used to do a gentle gym and swim) and am running more days, because it's all I can do. Aaargh! G
Mar 2020
5:13pm, 27 Mar 2020
14,746 posts
I am finding it a struggle to be active enough whilst working from home. Still on full time hours, lots of sitting. I am going out for walks on non- running days but being lax about anything else. Need better habits going forward.
Mar 2020
8:22pm, 27 Mar 2020
34,613 posts
I'm like HappyG. Finding it harder to rest. Eating more and feel compelled to do something every day. Today was only yoga, though.
Mar 2020
8:40pm, 27 Mar 2020
15,921 posts
I think AL is right about developing better habits. There could be more than a month of these restrictions so the sooner we ease into new -and DO-ABLE ways, the better. I get that that's easier said than done.
Have had a mixed week here and I'm lucky/unlucky (yes, a bit of both!) that I'm now a work free zone. It's useful for me that I have a long solo dog walk every other day that's more or less non negotiable, I'm going to do some sort of strength or circuits session on those days.
Elly - could you stick in a circuit (one of your James thingy ones for instance) at lunchtime a couple of times in your working week?
Mar 2020
8:45pm, 27 Mar 2020
15,922 posts
I'm going to think this through over the weekend. I think we need different sorts of goals and challenges - not just trying to stay a bit fit.
Obviously no-one needs extra stressors but - for me anyway - half hearted just makes me feel worse. But that's why somehow we need to find a way of making real rest days work too.
I think it CAN be done.
Mar 2020
9:16pm, 27 Mar 2020
14,750 posts
I think I might need a 'little and often' approach - might aim for a number of sets of exercises over a day?