Dec 2013
10:01am, 9 Dec 2013
2,221 posts
Thanks for all the mri tips - I did nearly have to come out during the first scan, but the knowledge that it was safe in there and I wasn't going to suffocate alongside the yoga breathing it really helped. Still never want to do it again if I can help it. It was quite painful to keep still for so long too. The head cage for the brain was pretty terrifying! Kept my eyes closed for that one. Two weeks to wait for results.
Then this morning went for blood tests, apart from some twat almost knocking me off the bike on a narrow bridge, I didn't have to wait too long to be seen, I guess the results will take a few days. Will chase with the gp later in the week. There may be some further tests based on the outcome of those...
Dec 2013
12:18pm, 12 Dec 2013
2,225 posts
Right so bloods are in but need to go back tomorrow as gp hasn't looked at them yet. Not sure what that is code for if anything.
Haven't been able to run at all yet this week. Sigh.
Trying to keep going but so knackered at the moment. Did have some nice messages from friends in the US to cheer me up a little. Miss them like crazy though and so want to go and visit but funds tied up at the mo. Just about able to write cards though and posted them off so that's good.
Dec 2013
12:24pm, 12 Dec 2013
50,007 posts
plodding hippo
Curly May I suggest that you stop "trying to keep going" If you need rest, then you need rest
well done on the MRI-not sure I could go through one
Dec 2013
1:22pm, 12 Dec 2013
51 posts
I agree with the last post. Your body is giving some pretty strong signals to rest, (not give up). It could be a slow, long process so try to mentally prepare yourself for that and then when and if things do happen quicker than expected it will be a bonus.
Well done on your Memeber of the Month award though.
Dec 2013
2:25pm, 12 Dec 2013
2,228 posts
Just spoken to the gp. Most of bloods normal, borderline B12. I need to have another blood test (but no space till next Thurs) to check for intrinsic factor before she can treat with B12 injections. This is despite her saying it couldn't be B12 as I eat meat. Ffs I shall be so pissed off if it is that because I could be better by now
Dec 2013
2:26pm, 12 Dec 2013
2,229 posts
I am so glad I stamped my foot about blood tests!
Dec 2013
2:34pm, 12 Dec 2013
1,080 posts
Just noticed this thread , Curly45.....I have no wisdom or experience to offer but I do hope you get better soon .
Dec 2013
2:38pm, 12 Dec 2013
2,230 posts
Thanks Zorba and to PH and Dan1006 too for suggesting rest. I know you are right, but I hate accepting I am ill. PH you and being invincible will understand
Dec 2013
1:09pm, 15 Dec 2013
2,234 posts
Phew! Made it through the week at work. No running, still feeling dreadful, but haven't got out of bed yet today. The burning pains do seem to be getting longer in duration. Am hoping that's down to exhaustion. Also have had shakes for the last few days, mostly in hands and arms and finding standing up hard as my feet are very sore.
Do have a drinks party to go to tonight so at least that is a bit of fun.
Need to double check my nurses appointment as I have forgotten the time. Whoops.
Don't think I'll be getting any treatment before Xmas now though which is upsetting, but maybe will get mri results soon.
Dec 2013
4:04pm, 15 Dec 2013
2,236 posts
In the meantime I am wondering about ordering some high dose b12 tablets... Would that effect the tests on Thurs I wonder? Anything to feel a bit better!