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Arthritis and running, what's the chat?

9 watchers
May 2024
9:54am, 17 May 2024
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I've recently had a hip replaced (december) - so am still recovering strength and mobility and everything. Slightly lapsed with my physio exercise regime, and my body is making it clear that that was very foolish.
But wrt supplements - I found green lipped mussel extract seemed to help - started it on advice from a friend with a vet wife (she uses it for arthritic dogs and it really helps), read some of the scientific publications about its use, like that it looks like it genuinely reduces inflammation markers in animals. I thought it helped, then had to stop my supplements pre-surgery and something had clearly made a difference as my hip was horrendous without them (green lipped mussel extract, turmeric, codliver oil). I think of the three supplements it was the GLMX that helped the most.
May 2024
10:18am, 17 May 2024
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Mark J 🇳🇿
GetOutTheDoor wrote:I found green lipped mussel extract seemed to help - started it on advice from a friend with a vet wife (she uses it for arthritic dogs and it really helps), read some of the scientific publications about its use, like that it looks like it genuinely reduces inflammation markers in animals. I thought it helped, then had to stop my supplements pre-surgery and something had clearly made a difference as my hip was horrendous without them (green lipped mussel extract, turmeric, codliver oil). I think of the three supplements it was the GLMX that helped the most.

This is interesting and also quite coincidental as we have one of the countries largest green lip muscle areas about an hour away from where we live. Iʻll do some Googling. Thanks.
May 2024
10:27am, 17 May 2024
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Since this thread was started I've developed symptoms and signs of osteoarthritis in several joints. In the one joint that's been scanned (left knee, and the scan was only done because of an incidental finding elsewhere in my leg) the osteoarthritic changes looked quite mild and the joint space was well preserved. I don't take anything for it apart from an occasional dose of paracetamol if it's troublesome. I'd need more convincing evidence of benefit than currently exists to take any of the proprietary "joint health" preparations.

I'm working on the principle that osteoarthritis tends to be progressive and it might eventually stop me from running or need a procedure with a long rehab period, but continuing to run won't make it get worse faster, so as long as I'm enjoying running I'll keep going.
May 2024
10:31am, 17 May 2024
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I have recently had Mri on the right knee and go and see doctor to discuss on Monday. There seems to be a lot of different issues and the cortisone jab I had 10 weeks ago has worn off and back to be constant pain in knee. Shame as I was enjoying running again
May 2024
11:39am, 17 May 2024
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I have no idea if the benefit was placebo - but I was reaching the point where if snake oil made it easier to get from my desk to the work kitchen then it was worth it (<100m and I had resorted to 2 water bottles so I could avoid the pain of the walk).

Mark J - you'll be pleased to hear that the one I was taking was from NZ green lipped mussels. A fine nz export. Hopefully more provenance than all of the Manuka honey we see in the UK.
May 2024
12:19pm, 17 May 2024
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Mark J 🇳🇿
GetOutTheDoor wrote:I have no idea if the benefit was placebo - Mark J - you'll be pleased to hear that the one I was taking was from NZ green lipped mussels. A fine nz export. Hopefully more provenance than all of the Manuka honey we see in the UK.

A bit Dr Google this evening has given me enough info to give it a try with a reasonable amount of confidence that it won't kill me.

I shall resort back in ten days to a fortnight. Thanks for the info.
May 2024
12:19pm, 17 May 2024
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Mark J 🇳🇿
Report even.
May 2024
7:56pm, 17 May 2024
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Jen HB
It sounds like most of you have the oesto 'flavour' (mine is rheumatoid) so I'm on various meds but I can still be fairly active. If my knees/energy etc are feeling ok (which to be fair they are most of the time, and when they aren't I usually know the reason) they are quite happy me doing run-walk (which I usually use now as they seem to prefer that to constant running - it also stops me pushing too much!). At my first appointment with the rheumatologist she was very much 'if you like running, then we want to get you back to being able to do that (but probably at a lower intensity than previously)' [which considering I had run my first marathon earlier that year, and my parkrun PB was 24.30 was understandable!]. She was very much 'build up gradually and listen to your body'.
Good luck!
Jun 2024
10:27pm, 24 Jun 2024
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Mark J 🇳🇿
OK, update on the green lipped mussel trial. So, I've been taking supplements with green lipped mussel extract for a month and half or so. I hadn't reported back earlier as I had a knock on my left ankle that I wanted to get under control first to ensure that what I report back was reasonably accurate. In a nutshell, I'd say there's been an improvement in the left ankles arthritis but a complete "cure". To quantify is difficult but give it a rough score, I guess if we said I had a 10% ache in the left ankle, its now down to anywhere between 2% and 5% depending on the day. And this is with me running 6 days a week, most weeks, currently, plus 3 days a week of bodyweight strength work.

So in conclusion from this highly regulated and in depth study (pah!), I shall keep on taking green lipped mussel supplements for the time being.

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Maintained by Mr. White
Hi folks. Looking for thoughts. I've had niggling hip/pelvis issues for 6 months which after x-ray ...
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