Long term time illness thread

1 lurker | 24 watchers
Dec 2013
6:40pm, 2 Dec 2013
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Hi all! Am not injured, nor depressed, but wanted a place to stop the slide into despair from medium and long term illness.

Anyone else suffering the merry go round of doctors and specialists, missing running, or feeling isolated by the stuff going on in your body. Feel free to join me for support, tea and day to day moans about living with being in pain.

Its not all doom and gloom. I've realised how amazing people can be, from repeated and genuine check ups on me to offers to pay for me to have private care, I've been blown away by the reaction of so many people. I only wish my body would play ball and start recovering.

Anyway, hope some others who are suffering can also find something of use in here :)
Dec 2013
3:33pm, 3 Dec 2013
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Just me then eh ;)

Tired today (not being able to fall asleep or wake up is a big problem of mine), and todays list if symptoms is:
burning skin in jaw
chucking stuff (loss of fine motor control)
stomach pains (this is a new one as of last night)
aches in random places
transient burning elsewhere
stiffness in legs

But its not all bad, my confusion and word finding are okay today and I am not stuttering at the moment. I'm pretty busy at work in the next few weeks, it being December so I do need to make sure I don't wear myself out too quickly.

That said, I haven't run since last Thurs so will go to running club tonight and stumble around.
Dec 2013
3:45pm, 3 Dec 2013
8,253 posts
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Curly, I cannot believe you are being left like this and not sorted out sooner :( Are you still having to wait ages for your scan?
Dec 2013
3:45pm, 3 Dec 2013
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plodding hippo
Still no diagnosis?

Dec 2013
3:48pm, 3 Dec 2013
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My mri is on Sunday.

I have a suspicion as to what is wrong with me so am also back at Docs on Friday.

Still it will be weeks before results or anything is done so I am hoping others who have been in similar situs may want to contribute :)
Dec 2013
3:52pm, 3 Dec 2013
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plodding hippo
Have you been googling?
Dec 2013
3:52pm, 3 Dec 2013
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Well I hope they give you some answers after not too long, it must be so frustrating.

I can empathise with the merry go round of doctors and specialists and missing running bit though ;)

Have you had a CAT scan?
Dec 2013
3:58pm, 3 Dec 2013
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Not quite the same.


I was bitten by a venomous snake abroad a few years ago. Although I got anti venom in good times my central nervous system got f*cked up big style, and I get random bits of me that stop working properly. every time something new happens you're back on the merry go round and yes it does grind you down because you're repeating the same story over and over.

So been there done that got the T shirt, taking the pills. My breakfast place always looks like someone's nocked over a tube of smarties next to my cup.

Fingers crossed I'm relatively stable at the moment - even doing some running and (whisper it quietly) planning some races next year.

Hope you're sorted soon.
Dec 2013
4:15pm, 3 Dec 2013
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Not googling, a suggestion from another fetchie (cheers to them) seems to fit the bill more and more over the recent weeks. Not confirmed yet though hence why not saying until done so.

Wow Fellrunning that must be frustrating when it flares up and I suppose there is always the risk of assuming it is to do with the bite when it might not be and missing something too.
Dec 2013
4:16pm, 3 Dec 2013
2,209 posts
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No cat scan gf. They wont do one!

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Maintained by Curly45
Hi all! Am not injured, nor depressed, but wanted a place to stop the slide into despair from medium...

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