Oct 2017
8:13am, 4 Oct 2017
28,704 posts
Old Croc
A quick question from a friend's club.
What's your club's policy ref the allocation of club places?
Do you do it by ballot?
Any criteria?
Any restrictions in place? - for example do you have to have been rejected from ballot?
Also if you won the place one year are you limited from winning it again for x years? If so how long?
Oct 2017
8:23am, 4 Oct 2017
6,823 posts
We are quite a small club and there are not many after the club place but usually it is a ballot from those who were rejected this year.
I'm not sure the circumstances have ever arisen that anyone winning the club place has wanted to do it again the following year but given that there are usually only around 5 people in the draw to start with I think the previous year's winner probably would be discouraged to allow someone else to have a chance.
Oct 2017
8:26am, 4 Oct 2017
2,035 posts
My club get two places for VMLM which are allocated by ballot. The rules are:
1) Must be a fully paid member 2) Must have a rejection letter from the main ballot 3) Can't have won the club place in the preceding 2 years
In addition, for every league race the member has completed that year, they get an additional entry into the ballot. So a member who completes all 12 league races has 13 entries into the ballot increasing their chances of winning.
Oct 2017
8:33am, 4 Oct 2017
28,705 posts
Old Croc
When you say League is there a local league of road races or is that just XC?
Oct 2017
9:57am, 4 Oct 2017
2,246 posts
The criteria for our club draw are:
1. You are not in arrears with your membership fees and have been a fully paid up member for at least 12 months prior to the draw.
2. You must be an active member, i.e. you race under the Club name.
3. You must have evidence that you have applied for and have been rejected for the London Marathon.
4. You weren't a recipient of a Club place in the previous draw.
(I think the last point just refers to the previous year's draw, but I'm not 100% certain).
Oct 2017
10:06am, 4 Oct 2017
2,037 posts
OC, it is a road race league that runs from January to November. Our draw takes place at our Christmas party early December.
Oct 2017
10:08am, 4 Oct 2017
3,961 posts
We have similar rules to others 1) have to have been a member for (I think) 6 months 2) have to have been rejected in the ballot 3) can't have won the place the previous year
I think we got 3 places last year, drew 3 from a hat and 3 first reserves
Oct 2017
10:09am, 4 Oct 2017
3,962 posts
*three reserves* bit hard to have three first reserves!
Oct 2017
10:12am, 4 Oct 2017
11,237 posts
I think our rules are broadly the same as jennyh - we tightened them up a couple of years ago when one recipient started going to his second claim club more than he came to us. Having lost a lot of EA licenced members we are down to one place now.
Oct 2017
10:28am, 4 Oct 2017
2,248 posts
In terms of numbers, ours has varied between 3 and 4 places over the last years. I think there were about 25 people in the draw last year, but we've had a lot of new members so I expect it will be more this year.
Can't remember how many reserves we have.