Ladies Who Lift...

2 lurkers | 95 watchers
Sep 2016
1:41pm, 18 Sep 2016
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I didn't do much lifting in the last couple of months but as of a couple of weeks ago, I'm back to lifting twice a week with a day off in the week before and after races (road relays then XC then more road relays from now till March/ April next year). Winter is coming.
Sep 2016
3:20pm, 18 Sep 2016
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Great posts SPR, last still beats everyone who stayed at home. How do those two lifting days fit into your running routine? I've started running again now and gym has disappeared for me... O don't want to lift the day before a training session and the day after I'm too tired!
Sep 2016
3:42pm, 18 Sep 2016
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Well you're running a lot more miles than me Will, but ATM I run in the mornings (6 out of 7 last couple of weeks) and do weights on (usually) one of Monday/ Tuesday and Thursday/ Friday evening. I presume by session you mean anything other than easy running? I agree wouldn't do weights the day before, but would the day after reducing weight as appropriate. ATM, I'm not doing any sessions apart from some hill sprints after one weekly run. Last week was 28 miles plus two weights sessions. I'll be looking to first be consistent at that level then increase it through the winter.

You probably just need to get used to lifting. I do 5 reps in my sets these days as a) I'm focusing on strength when at the gym, and B) I find I'm less fatigued from doing more weight and less reps than the other way round.
Sep 2016
9:37am, 19 Sep 2016
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Entered comp! Thank you SVB and SPR for the wise words.
I had a chat with coach about it as well on Saturday, and we promptly did 100kg doubles in training....
Sep 2016
11:00am, 19 Sep 2016
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That's fantastic, Duracell :-)
Sep 2016
8:58am, 20 Sep 2016
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Feel like I've been hit by a bus today ;)
Thought we'd try all the comp events yesterday - after a squat and bench session.
Slight run in with axel means I have the best bruise ever.... I just bruise like a peach!
Log needs work (still cr*p, SVB) but pleasantly surprised by dumbbell press; just need to add 2.5kg to that and I'm there
Sep 2016
9:03am, 20 Sep 2016
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The Scribbler
Hit the kettlebell in the yard this morning with some high intestity interval sets. Felt good for doing it, but it was so much harder than when I used to do it regularly!
Sep 2016
12:16pm, 20 Sep 2016
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Sam Vimes Boots
What diameter log are you using Duracell? You had the clean nailed on my 10 inch log, it was the press that you had trouble with. Is it a circus dumbbell you're using?

What kind of kettlebell have your got Scribbler? I like using competition bells.

Been trying out a new method of lifting called aerobic strength method. It's a combination method which is evil. The heavy part isn't too bad, it's the light tempo lifting to finish that's the killer.
Sep 2016
6:24pm, 20 Sep 2016
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I've borrowed a friend's log and just measured it - 9.5 inches, 35kg. Feels a lot heavier than that but I was pressing earlier after a tough session yesterday so that may be why ;)
It's the whole movement, SVB - I just need to practice I think - I keep catching it on my boobs!!!

I will consult the oracle that is YouTube.... and while I am there I'll check out "aerobic strength method" - sounds hideous.
Who was it that was doing Turkish Get Ups on here a while back? Oh my life - I was such a state doing those today. Why I was putting an extra pirouette in I will never know!
Sep 2016
6:42pm, 20 Sep 2016
22,778 posts
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That was Scribbler I believe.

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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  • sports
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