Nice Work organised a winter 10k series there for a couple of years and also did a summer series. There were leaflets for a winter series this year from Oct - Mar but this was then cancelled and a 5 mile monthly event added in its place, presumably organised by Cyclopark.
Separately, Brian and Dawn organise Cyclorun as well as several local running groups. This takes place on a Sunday morning and alternates between the track courses and an offsite course. I wonder if these sessions could also now be at risk?
Shame about the marathon - I had 3 great experiences there.
It was one of the races I always signed up for, even on my mother-in-law's birthday. One year, at the last minute, she chose to switch the family get together from Sunday to Saturday. Let's just say, no way was I pulling out of the KRR, so I arrived late.
The 17 or 20.5 lap event worked really well and was never repetitively boring like some people might believe, getting to run with different people during the course of the race - and meeting up with them again a few laps later. I'll even miss Tourette's Hill!
Welcome to the event thread for the Kent Roadrunner Marathon.
Entries are open for 2016 (Saturday 28-May-2016). Within three days over half the entries were sold, so don't delay if you fancy it! Hope to see you there for your MASSIVE medal
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