Oct 2019
6:55pm, 4 Oct 2019
22,810 posts
I know this is the joke thread, but no, I haven’t removed any nominations for Daz.
Oct 2019
9:12pm, 5 Oct 2019
5,608 posts
Thought For The Day. Saturday night is upon us. Another opportunity to go to the club or pub for a good night out. Drinks with friends, great crack about football or whatever and, just perhaps, the opportunity to find a new lady friend. For many of us the opportunity to pick up a young fit woman is no longer possible but don’t despair, with age comes experience. Here is a thought to consider. Go for an older women, they can still be quite attractive and being older they will have experienced many of life’s adverse experiences. They will have gotten used to life’s disappointments which means they will be ready to accept the come-on from the likes of you and I.
Oct 2019
9:14pm, 5 Oct 2019
5,609 posts
Foxymoron ...a woman who's incredible good looks are counterbalanced by a complete lack of any form of intelligence.
Oct 2019
9:15pm, 5 Oct 2019
5,610 posts
I couldn't believe I got a call from the school today about something my son said in class.
The teacher said, "I asked your son to use the word 'Symmetry' in a sentence and I was very concerned about what he said - He said "Daddy says every day that he wishes mummy could be in the Symmetry !"."
Oct 2019
10:23pm, 5 Oct 2019
13,040 posts
Jock Itch
I've got a bottle of Newcastle Brown stuck in my foot...
The doctor says it's an ingrowing toon ale!
Oct 2019
10:24pm, 5 Oct 2019
13,041 posts
Jock Itch
Fetch's post got more likes than Daz's jokes
Oct 2019
8:49am, 6 Oct 2019
5,611 posts
Breaking: There’s gonna be a 50p coin commemorating Brexit released Oct 31st 2019. The design is nearly done. They just can’t decide what to do with the border.
Oct 2019
11:12am, 6 Oct 2019
3,568 posts
Pou Pou LePhoõk
Oct 2019
1:44pm, 7 Oct 2019
7,924 posts
Sad to hear the news that Pizza Express has folded.
It's now called "Calzone Express"
Oct 2019
10:05pm, 7 Oct 2019
1,131 posts
Shortcut Cam
I asked my my doctor if he had anything for wind. He gave me a kite.