Dec 2013
10:37pm, 16 Dec 2013
2,203 posts
phôôk xmas
SA - sickness allowance is usually per year. (eg, one month in the first year, two months in the second year)
Dec 2013
10:37am, 17 Dec 2013
7,452 posts
Thank you, phook! Much appreciated.
I'm tempted to just say that I haven't been abesent from work for more than ten days in the last 24 months, but then, all those separate little things like a flu here and there might have added up to ten days, too - I really can't remember...
Dec 2013
1:10pm, 17 Dec 2013
65,005 posts
I had this issue years ago... wasn't sure what to put in, as I could not recall having taken time off work sick, as, working for oneself, for ones own company, one just goes on... so ended up putting down one day due to concussion, as flu etc had never stopped me from working. Think about how many days you'd have taken off if you had worked for a boss, had you not been self employed might be a good measure? It is easier to drag yourself out of bed when fluey to put in a couple of hours here and there from home then it would be to commute to a job... If that makes sense?
I got hit by a car for example, and got serious hematoma's in both legs, needed to stay horizontal with legs elevated icing at 3 hour intervals. In a job, I'd have had to take that week off work. As it stands, the colleague (and then HB) brought my laptop and files home and I worked happily from my bed, so not taken any time off work...
Dec 2013
7:15pm, 17 Dec 2013
2,208 posts
phôôk xmas
SA - if you've worked for an employer, the new employer might cross-reference your response with information gained from the reference. If you've been self-employed, that obviously wouldn't apply.
10 days absence in two years isn't especially high, but it is significant, especially if it was 10 absences of 1 day, as opposed to 1 absence of 10 days. There is a formula somewhere which works out a cumulative impact of days off sick.
Dec 2013
7:56pm, 17 Dec 2013
3,671 posts
Too Much Water
Bradford Factor - essentially lots of short-term absence gets you a higher score (which you don't want). The theory is that it's more disruptive than 1 long term absence.
Dec 2013
5:43pm, 18 Dec 2013
2,241 posts
Hello all! Looks like I'll be joining this thread soon as am about to be made redundant (pool of three at least one to go) with one weeks pay as the package. Ouch.
I currently work part time, but am not adverse to go back into full time so long as its the right job, but I think getting something I want is going to be tough with such short notice. Should I just take anything to pay the bills or hold off as long as possible to fund something suitable to do think? Thoughts of other job hunters welcome...
Dec 2013
5:46pm, 18 Dec 2013
9,801 posts
sorry, Curly.
Dec 2013
6:07pm, 18 Dec 2013
2,242 posts
Thanks Chris, not been a great time of late, but life is like that sometimes!
Dec 2013
9:12pm, 18 Dec 2013
13,280 posts
Red Squirrel
Curly, in the past I took anything to stay in work, but it has meant that I've struggled to get back up to OK pay.
Recently I got really stung. I took a job at a lower level wihen my former contract came to an end. I got bullied by my line manager and had to leave, even though I had a mortgage and bills to pay. I've now got a 3-month contract.
I've never held out for a good role because I've always had to pay bills; it's a really difficult situation. If you can afford to shop around; I'd say do that.
Dec 2013
9:50pm, 18 Dec 2013
2,243 posts
Probably shouldnt say so, but money not a key factor. Was previously based in London earning just over 40k, now based closed to home working about 30 hours a week for about 10k.
Really, I'm looking for enjoyment, flexibility and no commute to London (dont mind a bike commute to somewhere up to 15 miles each way).
I changed a lot of my life to make the change I did a year ago so am sad about the likely loss of that job as it means possibly going back on a lot of those changes. I do need to see this as positive and I think I will try and hold out as long as I can till something I want comes out. Sending out feelers at the moment, hopefully something will come back!