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Intermittent fasting - do you fast intermittently?

5 watchers
Oct 2022
5:53pm, 16 Oct 2022
11,875 posts
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I don't eat breakfast as I'm just not hungry first thing, works for me.
Oct 2022
5:57pm, 16 Oct 2022
25,792 posts
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I 14:10 probably 6 days a week.

Of course there’s no magic in it, same as any other diet which claims there is but it works for me because:

1. It gives some discipline which stops the late evening snacking of bad stuff
2. It means my morning workout is done in a way that forced my body to access fat stores which is a benefit in my overall endurance training.
3. It is a great reminder that 90% of the time you ‘think’ you’re hungry you’re actually not, but are bored/fed up/think it is normal eating time etc. This helps control the grazing etc during the day.
Oct 2022
7:25pm, 16 Oct 2022
94,029 posts
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I try to eat within a set-ish time window: I eat between 9 am and 7 pm. So 10 hours of eating and 14 hours of "fasting" practically, it comes down to eating evening meals on time so I don't snack on whole lumps of cheese/bags of crisps before or whole slabs of chocolate or packs of biscuits after.
Oct 2022
9:39am, 17 Oct 2022
44,335 posts
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I can imagine it helping some people psychologically, even if all the physiological arguments are hogwash!

A form of structure and discipline about hours or days of restriction seem to suit some people's psyche.

The one that I think works physiologically is massive reduction in sugar and other simple carbohydrates. It's like drugs - sugar gives you a "hit". If you don't get it again, you crave it. Vicious circle. Be wary of carbs!

I happen to not have breakfast. Just a habit I've got into. So in practice my first food is often 1pm. And I go to bed 9pm ish. So is that 8:16?! (And by the way, I am rubbish at eating carbs AND while my weight isn't bad, it should be lower so I'm evidence that 8:16 ain't no miracle cure! To lose weight I have to reduce portions and avoid biscuits, sweets and other bad snacks. D'oh! )

Good luck all. :-) G
Oct 2022
9:45am, 17 Oct 2022
36,601 posts
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Jason Fung is a BIG fan and has several books about this including The Obesity Code
He states it's very good for diabetes
he also is quoted as saying "If eating makes you eat don't eat" which I can understand as there are times when we eat because the clock says eat rather than because we are hungry
I don't tend to eat breakfast at weekends and on holiday - I get up later too but can't imagine going until lunch without eating my arm whilst at work
I also know that if I eat something sweet then I will eat more (of it) regardless
we don't eat after tea which is typically 6PM so I typically have 12-14 maybe 15hr "fast" most days anyway
Oct 2022
3:29pm, 17 Oct 2022
7,058 posts
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I 5:2'd for about 3 years and lost a fair bit of weight doing it.

But over time the 2 days of restriction became horrible and I overate on all 5 'normal' days......or rather paid no attention to what I was eating.

Eventually I stopped it but have never gone back to eating breakfast. I suppose I sort of do 16:8 without really trying to these days but it has had absolutely no effect on my weight.

I recently lost a bit of weight but that was due to giving up beer for a month, training more and not eating chips out of the work canteen 3-4 days a week for lunch.

I went the long way round but eventually came to the same conclusion as everyone else here. It's just calorie restriction. The rest of the claims......... I dunno.
Oct 2022
3:33pm, 17 Oct 2022
60,352 posts
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What's a Jason Fung and why should we trust it in preference to conventional diabetes management advice?
Oct 2022
3:36pm, 17 Oct 2022
36,616 posts
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This book
Oct 2022
3:49pm, 17 Oct 2022
60,353 posts
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I just went down a wee rabbit hole with Dr Fung's published case study of three patients with type 2 diabetes, having clicked on his website and seen an invitation to take out a paid monthly subscription at the top of the page. Fills me with as much confidence as ... no, I won't drag the thread into other "miracle" restrictive eating regimes fronted by persuasive gurus.
Oct 2022
3:50pm, 17 Oct 2022
36,618 posts
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About This Thread

Maintained by Dillthedog
Intermittent fasting seems to be the big new thing in the diet world. Lots of compelling YouTube videos and podcasts about it. But I’d there anything in it, or is it just quackery? I have decided to give it a whirl, 16 hours fasting and 8 hours feasting. Is anyone else a faster, if so, how do you find it, and does it help your running? I usually have brekkie before running but didn’t this morning, and survived without bonking. Any advice for a newbie faster?
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