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Indoor Rowing

4 lurkers | 43 watchers
May 2022
12:34pm, 19 May 2022
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Good effort there, Andy. Under 2 secs off the pb at the start of the season so there's a fair chance of improving on that.

For me, a few days off after three arduous running races last week. Back in the saddle today for about an hour of UT2. I might have another go at the Beginners PP.
May 2022
10:12pm, 19 May 2022
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Three races? Nice, I'm jealous. My foot wakes me up a couple of times each night - the side of it is like it's cramping... better take that to the Plantar fasciitis thread. :-(

After a busy day yesterday, I finally rowed this evening and am typing this in a sweaty puddle on the erg. Should stretch first really.

Put up a time for a 4 minute effort first (4 metres off the PB distance, which was tantalisingly close) so there's another SB for the C2 rankings to take aim at. Then a recommended interval session of 3 x 10 minutes. But each set is 4-3-2-1 minutes at r24, r26, r28 and r30. It's good - the gradual increases all seem quite manageable until you're flying up and down the rail. Managed distances of 2444m, 2512m & 2541m, so that must have been sensible pacing. Right, time to stretch now!

May 2022
10:27pm, 19 May 2022
36,816 posts
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Presume you're doing the golf ball/ lacrosse ball rolls for the PF?

I did 1000 warm up then 4 x 1000 today. Did a sub 4 1000 for the 3rd one with the rest being in the 4:30 range. Still need to build rowing conditioning but the third rep had an AHR of 163 and MHR 179 so definitely some good aerobic work there.
May 2022
10:30pm, 19 May 2022
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That looks like a good session _andy.
May 2022
10:45pm, 19 May 2022
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Yes SPR. I have a full range of golf ball, 3x spiky balls, roller. That's next - after a mammoth stretching session now complete.

1k rows are really tough! There's no hiding there - good technique and steady power all the way. And hanging on to the very end.
May 2022
10:53pm, 19 May 2022
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No chance of me doing a proper 2000 yet. Was definitely hanging on at the end of the 3rd effort. The technique needs to improve, I lost a bit of connection halfway through and more back got me moving at sub 2:00 500 again but it sure wasn't repeatable as I found on rep 4.
May 2022
11:18pm, 19 May 2022
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I like stroke ladders but that one does seem a bit fast for me. I'd probably do it starting at 22 spm instead. But if you can handle the prescribed spm I'm not surprised you're sitting in a puddle of sweat after!
May 2022
8:17pm, 20 May 2022
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What's the best to finish a busy week? Well, having a go at hitting a 10k PB is one option, surely?

OMFG, that was some effort, especially for the last 10 minutes, where hanging on for my target time made me wonder if my HR was going to go off the chart.

Another Rowalong video to keep me company, but only because I couldn't find one that was to go with a proper TT effort.

And...BOOM! Not just a SB, but 15 seconds off my best from earlier this year! Chuffed to bits with that. It was only my 4th bash at a 10k, and the first and second back in Decemeber were to get a feel for it (and to get under 40 minutes for number two attempt); the third in February was to push it downwards - this one was to get something starting with 38:xx - by the narrowest of margin, but phew! Job done. Not sure I'll rushing back to try that again anytime soon! Time for a good lie down now.

May 2022
7:27am, 22 May 2022
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That sounds grim, in a masochistic fun sort of way, _andy. Well done, mate!

Looking at the monthly distance league it looks like I'm back. 4th place! I'm not, though. I've got us to an easy-rate 30 minutes. I've still got another few weeks of slow and steady rebuilding before I start actual "training".

In other news, congratulations to Craggy on getting engaged in dramatic fashion during his ex-girlfriend/now fiancé's recent Half Marathon. You soppy old git!
May 2022
7:38am, 23 May 2022
384 posts
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Well done on the PB Andy, that's great going especially after little recent training!

Nicely up to 30 mins now Nellers, good to see!

Haha thanks mate, she was certainly surprised (I'm just pleased those few seconds didn't cost her a sub 1:30 - she was 18 seconds over so she wouldn't have been under anyway, but I might have been in trouble if her time had been 1:30.1 🤣) We had a great weekend 👌

About This Thread

Maintained by Nellers
How about a little league of 2000m times to see what we're up against:

Oranj (1988 vintage): 6:44.6
Jef(2010 vintage): 6:46.6
Foppotee 6:51.6
Nellers: 7:02.6
Pothunter (2005 vintage): 7:06
Jef: 7:06.4
_andy 7:10.9
Gym_Bunny: 7:16.9
Maclennane: 7:18.9
theOtherRichard: 7:22.5
Mouseytongue: 7:30.2
Rog T 7:33.9
Oranj: 7:37.6
Rich963: 7:39.3
NDWDave: 7:51.4
lammo: 7:56
Tiger Feet: 8:00.1
Fenners reborn 8:07
Muttley: 8:08.5
Cats Whiskers: 8:16.8
Angus Clydesdale: 8:47.2
BanjoBax: 9:13
Sally Kate: 9:18
Lesley C: 9:19
HellsBells: 9:23.1
Sweetie: 9:27
alpenrose: 10:03
GregP: 10:03
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