How is your running surviving Covid chaos?

51 watchers
Mar 2020
8:38pm, 24 Mar 2020
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Last week when I was recovering from a fever (below COVID threshold) I went for a walk and got very muddy. I tried to remove my shoes without undoing my laces. I've really hurt my achilles and now can't run on it which sucks. An aunt of mine 'snapped' (insert medical term here) hers removing a welly boot! So I have set up the new, arrived today turbo and got thrashed round a Zwift island for 30m minutes. Great fun.
Mar 2020
10:34am, 25 Mar 2020
43 posts
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Day 85 of my running streak and my Garmin told me I had just done my fastest 10k at 43:21 during my hour run today.

My previous best was 44:12 in a race in 2009 when 36 years old. Shame I have no races to enter ;)
Mar 2020
1:05pm, 25 Mar 2020
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Since recommencing running at the end of Dec after lay-off due to illness, my ‘fitness age’ (assessed by Garmin) has been decreasing at the rate of approximately a year per week. I am actually 74 and was pleased that 10 days ago, Garmin declared that I was 46. Unfortunately, yesterday Garmin reported that I was 47. In the past week I have run fewer miles though I have run mainly on hilly terrain. I suspect that the deterioration in apparent fitness is because my heart rate is higher at a given speed in rough hilly terrain.
Mar 2020
1:36pm, 25 Mar 2020
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That's spot on Canute. Those algorithims don't cope well with off-road hilly runs. If I do a long run in the hills my Suunto fitness level/age drops dramatically. I also find that interval sessions can confuse them as well. They definitely produce their most consistent output with even paced running on near flat routes. For that reason I find that I get the most value from them when I'm tapering and I've found they are a good indicator at that point of my recovery and readiness to race.
Mar 2020
1:55pm, 25 Mar 2020
19 posts
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Running is up.
But we've gone from 0 miles logged, to 50 last month and probably 100+ this month.

Canute & FlyingFinn when I was not logging running, but spending long days on the hill, the likes of Garmin had our fitness age as garbage. But to be fair it cannot tell underfoot conditions at all.

Really missing the hills at the moment, so just running around the roads/paths about the village at the moment for our once a day outing. Not very inspiring, but needs must.

So it'll be short easy runs and base buidling.

(Our handstands are getting better though, as that is the current challenge with youngest child)
Mar 2020
1:56pm, 25 Mar 2020
20 posts
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Now of for a less inspiring circuit of the village,
Mar 2020
1:57pm, 25 Mar 2020
16,935 posts
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due to tri training focus on swim and bike I've already done more miles since September last year which is not to say I have done a lot just more! LOL

But I expect to see a few more
Mar 2020
2:31pm, 25 Mar 2020
12,238 posts
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Like one earlier person (on previous page), I've been seeing a lot more runners - most likely those who can't get to the gym any more and have been forced outside!
Mar 2020
3:31pm, 25 Mar 2020
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Pompey Paul
Agree, definitely seeing a lot more runners out on the streets. Maybe also cos they are WFH so not running at work lunchtimes and the weather is perfect for it
Mar 2020
7:57pm, 25 Mar 2020
44,940 posts
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I've also noticed that.
Then realised today that I am WFH and running at lunchtime which I wouldn't normally do so I'm one of the "not usually running at this time" people :-)

I do also think there are people taking up running or choosing to return to it after time off and I think this is a good thing.

About This Thread

Maintained by Canute
Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise exponentially in the UK.

It is even more crucial to do everything we can to slow the rate of onset of new cases. Nonetheless, exercise remains important for our health.

The relevant piece of the legislation in England is:

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020

Restrictions on movement

6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

(a) to obtain basic necessities, including food and medical supplies for those in the same household (including any pets or animals in the household) or for vulnerable persons and supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household, or the household of a vulnerable person, or to obtain money, including from any business listed in Part 3 of Schedule 2;

(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

That is an abbreviated version. Here is a link to a more comprehensive specification of section 6:

Similar regulations apply in Scotland, where section 8, (5) (b) states:
(b) to take exercise, either alone or with other members of their household.
In Northern Ireland, section 5 (2) (b) is the same:
(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

In Wales, the regulations state that you can leave the house no more than once a day for exercise, The relevant section [section 8] states:

(b) to take exercise, no more than once a day, either alone or with other members of the household.


Here is a link to the guidance regarding a reasonable excuse to leave the house, issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (for England):
Note added 26th May: unfortunately the clear guidelines issued in April have been taken down and replaced by a more complex collection of documents.

The fact that the government accepts the importance of exercise places a responsibility on us to exercise in a way that reduces our risk of becoming a clinical case rather than increasing our risk.

Here is a review of the factors that influence the relationship between exercise and function of the immune system

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