BSR Runner

3 watchers
Apr 2020
8:49am, 8 Apr 2020
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I was thinking about diverting my run route through the town centre as I reckon that'll be pretty quiet at the moment.

I'm counting rainbows too :-)

My normal routes are pretty much OK, I have to run in the road a bit but there's hardly any traffic so it's OK. Running in the road seems to get a bit smile or nod of appreciation from the people out and about so I like to think I'm doing my bit for the runner/non runner relationship seeing as we seem to be coming in for a bit of a bashing at the moment
Apr 2020
11:31am, 8 Apr 2020
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FRU (KeepTheFaith)
I noticed that too Battlecat

We can do some really good things for runners relationships during this - I am the same as you being the one who moves off the path

And something else I noticed - saying good morning and hello - there are lots of older people around and when you do say good morning some of the smiles melt your heart (soppy but true!) like one lovely fella yesterday in the park - I thought to myself this is possibly his only interaction all day and he smiled and nodded with a hello

Yeah - going to be some positives of being a BSR runner

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