How is your running surviving Covid chaos?

51 watchers
Mar 2020
10:06am, 24 Mar 2020
25,948 posts
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Wriggling Snake
That's ok then, face masks are very particular, and have to be fitted correctly (i.e you must be clean shaven, which caused a few problems with the hipster type junior doctors my OH supervises), as well as made of the right materials, aand a buff serves no use as regards coronavirus whatsoever.
Mar 2020
10:08am, 24 Mar 2020
44,113 posts
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Is your OH making junior doctors shave off their hipster beards?

When this thing is over, we need to give her a medal ;-)
Mar 2020
2:14pm, 24 Mar 2020
2,055 posts
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We now know the restriction:

‘One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household.
…even when doing these activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the home and ensuring you are 2 metres apart from anyone outside of your household.’

AS discussed on this thread last night, there might be some wriggle room in the interpretation, but the intended meaning is clear: one exercise session per day during which we minimise time out of the house and avoid close contact with people not from our household.

Just how long should the one session be? It seems to me that there is no universally applicable rule. People differ in what would be a sensible amount and type of exercise for them; also our ability to avoid contact with others is potentially an issue.

What are people’s thoughts on what is a responsible amount of exercise?
Mar 2020
2:19pm, 24 Mar 2020
61,684 posts
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w.r.t. running, a generalisation, I know, but how about 50% of one's latest long run, to a maximum of sixty minutes?
Mar 2020
2:24pm, 24 Mar 2020
33,140 posts
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I think an hour a day would be reasonable but certainly not more than your usual.
Mar 2020
2:26pm, 24 Mar 2020
15,407 posts
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I think the biggest consideration is surely likelihood of meeting anyone else. 40 mins on farm tracks and I saw no-one, 10 minutes in the other direction to the shops and I'd see quite a few "pensioners" heading out for their papers...
Mar 2020
2:26pm, 24 Mar 2020
33,141 posts
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My desk looks out on the road and I've never seen so many people run/ walk past my window as I have the last few days. I wonder if they usually do this stuff at their work place ( except the masses if elderly who still are out )
Mar 2020
2:27pm, 24 Mar 2020
15,563 posts
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I’m sticking to an hour or less and gentle running, no intervals or hills, nothing risky re falling over or compromising my immune system by overtraining.
Mar 2020
2:29pm, 24 Mar 2020
44,118 posts
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I have got a giant golf course at the end of our road. I will check it out later. The significance of this particular area is that the golf club went bust so pre-Covid it was pretty much perpetually deserted, except for a few dog walkers. I suppose that number may well increase now but I will go and have a look.
Mar 2020
2:30pm, 24 Mar 2020
10,718 posts
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I'm expecting to be able to run more now I'm working from home all the time. I have more time and more opportunities.

About This Thread

Maintained by Canute
Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise exponentially in the UK.

It is even more crucial to do everything we can to slow the rate of onset of new cases. Nonetheless, exercise remains important for our health.

The relevant piece of the legislation in England is:

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020

Restrictions on movement

6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

(a) to obtain basic necessities, including food and medical supplies for those in the same household (including any pets or animals in the household) or for vulnerable persons and supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household, or the household of a vulnerable person, or to obtain money, including from any business listed in Part 3 of Schedule 2;

(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

That is an abbreviated version. Here is a link to a more comprehensive specification of section 6:

Similar regulations apply in Scotland, where section 8, (5) (b) states:
(b) to take exercise, either alone or with other members of their household.
In Northern Ireland, section 5 (2) (b) is the same:
(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

In Wales, the regulations state that you can leave the house no more than once a day for exercise, The relevant section [section 8] states:

(b) to take exercise, no more than once a day, either alone or with other members of the household.


Here is a link to the guidance regarding a reasonable excuse to leave the house, issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (for England):
Note added 26th May: unfortunately the clear guidelines issued in April have been taken down and replaced by a more complex collection of documents.

The fact that the government accepts the importance of exercise places a responsibility on us to exercise in a way that reduces our risk of becoming a clinical case rather than increasing our risk.

Here is a review of the factors that influence the relationship between exercise and function of the immune system

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