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How is your running surviving Covid chaos?

51 watchers
Mar 2020
4:33pm, 26 Mar 2020
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I accept that the Derbyshire police response is appropriate. I wish there was some way that exercise could be promoted with minimal restiction, but we cannot all expect to do our favourite things without consideration of the implications for others and for services
Mar 2020
5:02pm, 26 Mar 2020
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I am pleasantly surprised if that is the 'worst' the police could find.

I worry if I am flouting the rules / intent. Since the lockdown, I have restricted my running to be from home - using country lanes, and paths through fields & woods. Distance between 4 and 7 miles. People I see & pass? 5 or 6 on a busy day.

But a drone could film me 'miles from anywhere'.
Could the farmers (who's farmyards I run past) object or feel unsettled by me? (they haven't stopped their muck spreading or tractoring to tell me)*

I have considered my 10 minute drive into the New Forest, and similar 'remote running' there - but have so far felt that was inappropriate.

*I guess when I get muck sprayed I'll take that as a 'keep away' gesture.
Mar 2020
5:17pm, 26 Mar 2020
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I haven't run today - I did a Youtube workout in the living room in front of the telly.

I went for a run yesterday at about this time or slightly later onto the previously deserted golf course, but I felt really weird - it wasn't packed but there were a handful of people about including a load of 10-12 year old kids on bikes clearly *not* from the same families.

I'm going to get up at 6 tomorrow and try the same-ish thing on the assumption there'll be nobody out, or at least all the kids won't be.
Mar 2020
5:40pm, 26 Mar 2020
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We have propped open all the gates on our property that the public use, so that my wife then doesn't find herself opening/touching gates that have been touched by dozens of people during the day.

My wife did ask me if Gov't was expected to tell people to avoid properties with gates etc. but I haven't seen any suggestions of that. :-) G
Mar 2020
6:12pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Copy of an Avon & Somerset police notice being handed out today (ref facebook, not personally received!). Wilts police also stopping drivers and giving a similar message.

Mar 2020
6:14pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Um, it is good to have clarity
Mar 2020
6:41pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Today I ran 2Km on a minor road out of our village. Typically I pass two or three villagers walking on that stretch of road. I have occasionaly seen a runner in the past. Today I passed three walkers and three runners. It was easy to pass with 2m clearance. Nonetheless, it is striking how many more runners are out now, even in this relatively remote area. I actually think this is good, but I can see how it will create issues in more densely populated areas.
Mar 2020
6:53pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Wriggling Snake
Yes, perhaps it is because normally those people would be at work somewhere else, rather than more runners per se.

I thought Tuesday/Wednesday were very quiet, today more busy, more people just but aimlessly ambling around I would say. So I will take my runs earlier, possibly later.
Mar 2020
11:25pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Running group tonight.

We ran the same route as each other, but started outside our own front doors at the same time.

Seemed to work okay.

It's very much quieter than a normal Thursday night!
Mar 2020
11:35pm, 26 Mar 2020
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Lip Gloss
I went for a run this morning - was passed by the police but we both carried on. I felt I was crossing the road more often than usual to avoid all the dog walkers who didn't seem as if they were ready to do it for me, was that because they felt they had more right to out cause they had a dog I don't know. I am going to either get up earlier or leave it till later in the evenings. My Saturday run has be fine as I go into the industrial estate which is very quiet at the weekend.

About This Thread

Maintained by Canute
Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise exponentially in the UK.

It is even more crucial to do everything we can to slow the rate of onset of new cases. Nonetheless, exercise remains important for our health.

The relevant piece of the legislation in England is:

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020

Restrictions on movement

6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—

(a) to obtain basic necessities, including food and medical supplies for those in the same household (including any pets or animals in the household) or for vulnerable persons and supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household, or the household of a vulnerable person, or to obtain money, including from any business listed in Part 3 of Schedule 2;

(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

That is an abbreviated version. Here is a link to a more comprehensive specification of section 6:

Similar regulations apply in Scotland, where section 8, (5) (b) states:
(b) to take exercise, either alone or with other members of their household.
In Northern Ireland, section 5 (2) (b) is the same:
(b) to take exercise either alone or with other members of their household;

In Wales, the regulations state that you can leave the house no more than once a day for exercise, The relevant section [section 8] states:

(b) to take exercise, no more than once a day, either alone or with other members of the household.


Here is a link to the guidance regarding a reasonable excuse to leave the house, issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (for England):
Note added 26th May: unfortunately the clear guidelines issued in April have been taken down and replaced by a more complex collection of documents.

The fact that the government accepts the importance of exercise places a responsibility on us to exercise in a way that reduces our risk of becoming a clinical case rather than increasing our risk.

Here is a review of the factors that influence the relationship between exercise and function of the immune system

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