Heart rate

1 lurker | 300 watchers
Mar 2008
5:20pm, 26 Mar 2008
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Thanks for such a speedy reply Mr B!

What training benefits am I getting?

recovery, I Guess, endurance, fat burn maybe?
Mar 2008
5:21pm, 26 Mar 2008
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My answer to your 58% question


Recovery, endurance, fat, everything. Apart from speed ;)
Mar 2008
5:31pm, 26 Mar 2008
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I think your wasting your time going that slow bob!!!! sticks tongue out at hendo!
Mar 2008
5:31pm, 26 Mar 2008
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Oh and I can vouch for the benefits of the uphill speed burst - "Morale"

Reminds me, in the words of Rocky's Trainer in Rocky IV - "You see he's not a machine, he's a man!"
Mar 2008
6:07pm, 26 Mar 2008
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eL Bee!
Bob! Just to expand a little on my previously somewhat succinct post..........

In terms of Base Training (not Parker - Lydiard/Hadd et al), 58% WHR is STILL quite high! So any runs even slower than that will still benefit you in all the ways that Mr Lion says!

the trick when you are running with a low HR is to keep running! It IS possible to run at a pace slower than walking pace (I did it yesterday with V'raps teenage daughter who is just starting out. The principle being that to train for and become conditioned for running you need to....


Not Rocket Science, really! :)

So My run yesterday was at 11:57min/mile, and my heart occasionally, beat ;)
Was it a worthwhile session?
40 minutes Base Building - You bet it was!!! :)
Mar 2008
8:22pm, 26 Mar 2008
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But I have read in Pz and D that running too low is not going to be of benefit, will have to find it now

Was very self controlled on my run today and stuck to plan. Did 5 miles with a few strides, av for run was 70% and it was just sub 10 so feel I am getting back to where I was before tierdness set in. It was very tempting to copy Bob and Lums and go sprinting up the hill at the end but I didnt
Mar 2008
4:41pm, 27 Mar 2008
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Good run Bob
I have done many runs at 60-62% whr and as i tend to follow the lydiard or Hadd approach and agree with El bee that is still too high, working at getting it down to 130-135 for the whole run, that hasn't happened yet but it will

3.68 miles run today easy but did 6 x 50 metre strides at the end hernce the slightly elevated HR at the end (walk back recovery)

Split time Avg. HR
10:05 132 (61%)
10:10 133 (62%)
10:01 139 (66%)
7:34 147 (71%)
avg 64%
Mar 2008
9:13pm, 27 Mar 2008
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Did a fairly satisfying interval session earlier. Feel pleasantly tierd now.
6 x 800m with 1 minute rest.

Should have had more rest as I really needed it but had already programmed my session into mr garmin so didnt want to change it.

started off too fast, but didnt realise it at the time

first 4 reps were lovely and consistent and I am sure will be admired by you all enviously..... 7.20 7.17 7.17 7.21
However, after that I felt I had had enough but didnt want to not finish my session so didnt push as hard on the last two, they were not too bad considering ....7.27 and 7.36
I think that if I had had 90s rest I might have managed a faster pace on the last two.
Av HR for the session was 178.5 Which I think is around 88%, max was 191 (my max is 195) so it was a tough session. According to TC 2miles were above 90%

I allowed myself a little analysing, I did a similar session before lecester with the same HR and slightly slower pace. that session was done on the track, today was on the road with a few inclines, so I feel I have perhaps improved a little.
Mar 2008
9:35pm, 28 Mar 2008
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Sorry me again!
I'm probably over-analysing in my state of taper madness, but here goes for my latest running log entry:

6.00miles, 51:12, 8:32 pace, 70% WHR

Fastest ever sub 70 @ 8.32 pace. Marathon Goal pace is 8.30<p>

I have some concerns based on those numbers: <p>

1/ Is my 70% WHR number correct? I guess it's possible as I've got fitter my Resting HR has come down and P'raps I should take a look at updating it. <p>

2/ The other more scary possibility is that my Marathon Goal pace is too slow, and I should be aiming faster! <p>

My strategy in this case will no doubt be to do nothing about either of those possibilities until after FLM
Mar 2008
12:14am, 29 Mar 2008
157 posts
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All I can say Bob is it is looking good for 8.30/mile for your Marathon. Whether you can go any faster than this is risky but you have done a marathon before so you may be able to tell better on the day. Maybe start at your goal pace of 8.30/mile and see how it goes later on.

Im having the same problem myself to a certain degree, except I havent done a marathon before so you'll be better off than me. As you'll have a better idea of how its going to feel.

Im doing most of my sub 70% runs at 8.20 to 8.30/mile and I am aiming for 8.00/mile, not many people seem to think I'll be able to do it but my 22 miler on Sunday might give me a better idea of if its possible!

Good luck

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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