Mar 2008
7:22pm, 23 Mar 2008
2,957 posts
Just back from last LSR before FLM.
A bit dissapointed really, I know I am tierd so I suppose didnt expect much. Even from the start my pace/HR were not good. Had planned to do 22 miles but it worked out at just over 22 and cos my legs were happy to keep going I went up to 23 as I thought I would get a confidence boost from doing that extra mile which might help cancel out the useless stats when I come to analysing.
My legs felt fine, it was jsut that I had to keep slowing down to keep my HR down and felt like I was plodding a bit slower than I was happy with. In the penultimate mile I did a 'Lums' and decided to do that mile at MP to liven things up as I was getting fedup going slow. Ended up doing that mile in 9.15, I think MP will be around 9.30 (until I start fading).
Overall 23 miles, 10.43/mile HR 154 (72%) Jan 27th 21 miles 10.19/mile HR 148 (68%)
so that is why I am not very happy with the run. Am hoping the taper will sort me out!!
Mar 2008
7:28pm, 23 Mar 2008
2,959 posts
was grumblng about my run to OH and he said that I am reading too much into it and it is prob cos I have put on weight - cheecky g*t!!!
Mar 2008
8:05pm, 23 Mar 2008
686 posts
Did a fairly similar run to hellen:
It was snowing quite hard and 2 or 3 inches had settled by the time I got over to Dicks house for our last 20 miler before FLM. After wussing out of doing 20 miles last week because of the wind & rain there was no way I could use weather as an excuse this time.
Original plan was to run an 8 mile route around Bocking and Braintree, back to Dick's house, replenish on fluids then do an out and back along the old railway line past Rayne station to make the full 20
We started out across the park and the river and across the fields to Bocking, after sliding on the mud by the canal and slightly tweaking my groin on Wednesdays 12 miler, I was wary of my footing in the snow. Once across the fields we ran through Bocking and round Braintree. The footpaths were very slushy which meant running in the road wherever possible, but it certainly kept the pace down!
After a while we decided to retrace our steps through Braintree to Bocking and head back making about 10 miles on the first part. This plan developed and we ended up heading out to the old Railway line without fluid replenisment. At Rayne Station we used the 'facilities' to top our water bottles. After i had come out of the 'facilities' Dick had chatted up the nice lady on the refreshment stall, and had got us a cup of tea each!
We ran on along 'the Fitch Way' to the 15 mile mark and turned around for the homeward leg. The running was better along the Fitch way as it had now stopped snowing, parts of the path were still snow, other parts were clear, there wasn't a big problem with slush.
Got to the 20 mile mark about half a mile from Dicks, and I decidedto do the last half mile at Marathon Pace (8.30) this section includes a hill to the 'finish line'. Unfortunately went a bit fast and ended up doing 0.57 miles at 8 min 11 pace, 76% WHR
That last half mile was a good confidence boost!
20.57miles 3:37:01 10:33 ave pace 57% WHR - Today compared to
22.00miles 3:38:10 9:55 pace 67% WHR - 3 weeks ago on 2nd March
Not concerned about the pace, got the miles in!
Mar 2008
8:27pm, 23 Mar 2008
2,961 posts
thats funny bob you doing a MP bit at the end as well, I think we are spending too much time listening to lums!!!
Your HR was 10% lower today so at least that compensates for the slower pace. Mine HR was higher and pace slower so not happy, however, am happy to have done 23 miles and to get to the end feeling I could do more
Mar 2008
9:25am, 24 Mar 2008
3,484 posts
eL Bee!
"" happy to have done 23 miles and to get to the end feeling I could do more...""
Hellen - THIS is the most important bit of that whole post! You have done lots of training - your body will be cumulatively tired (which it should be, marathon training is about training your body to adapt to the physiological difficulties of running 26.2 miles) and you have a lovely Pamper Yourself and Relax TAPER to come!!!!! You'll be fine!
Mar 2008
2:00pm, 24 Mar 2008
992 posts
Last 20 mile training run for FLM. Was worried due to dodgey toe but its in the bag. I didn't intend doing 20 miles so didn't have fluids or gels so was on empty at the end but what the heck, we're into taperland now Time 3:39:05 Pace: 10:57 (what can I say i had a poorly toe) Avg HR: 141 (69% whoo hooo) Max HR: 168 (ok ok so there were hills, I was dehydrated at the end, oh and did I mention my poorly toe)
Mar 2008
5:41pm, 24 Mar 2008
4,100 posts
Well done hellen, don't lose sight of the fact you NEARLY ran a MARATHON, onl5 5k short in fact. Of course you were tired, especially with no crowd or major incentive. Just taper properly now.
Mar 2008
3:45pm, 25 Mar 2008
4,113 posts
Is "Doing a Lums" going to get in the Glossary I wonder?
Advice please - my 10m race is on Sunday. PB is 8:27pace and I want to do 8:20pace. I think that will be about 80%.
What training should I do this week, including today?
Mar 2008
4:48pm, 25 Mar 2008
2,966 posts
it ought to lums!!
not sure about training this week, I am not really the expert, I would have thought that today might be a good day to do a couple of miles of planned race pace sandwhcihed between a WU and CD
Mar 2008
11:34pm, 25 Mar 2008
4,131 posts
The plan - 1m warm up / down with 4m at 8:20 pace (10m race pace)
The reality, 1m warm up, 1m at 8:10, then speed up and hang on for dear life. 2 sub 8:00 miles then killer 4th mile, I stopped after 3.6m for about 5 seconds then pushed on and still made sub 8:00. This was a big bonus, beating the mental barriers in training is impotant and I swore this year I would really work at the hard sessions to make the slow 70% running seem like a reward instead of a plod.
9:53 - 65% 8:10 - 80% - was monitoring pace to keep at 8:20 7:55 - 86% - quarter mile uphill 7:35 - 90% - lots of turns 7:40 - 91% - stopped for at least 5 secs 10:45 - 79%