Heart rate

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Mar 2008
5:50pm, 19 Mar 2008
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was listening, have been away from PC for a while.
am hoping that a few good nights sleep and lie ins will sort things out. Was particualrly tierd today cos yesterday was teaching all day til 4. Had a parents eve at 6.15 so in the gap I didnt go home but did a 9mile run. Parent eve didnt finish til gone 9. It was quite draining really, round and round in circles with some parents. Constant talking to them for nearly 3 horus without break and only half a cup of water cos the catering staff whipped it away before I finished as they wanted to go home!!
Mar 2008
10:21pm, 19 Mar 2008
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Club night last night which involed one mile + very hard but i mucked up with my Garmin so haven't any stats

4 miles this morning easy easy 66% 10:02 pace

Mile race tonight 7:43 equal my pb from last month but more easily paced

Split time Avg. HR
1:54 153 (75%) 1st 409 metres
1:58 165 (83%)
1:58 167 (84%)
1:51 170 (86%)
Mar 2008
7:39am, 21 Mar 2008
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Look like my RHR is coming down again, wa ssteady at 46 this morning, another 2beats lower.

13 miles with Joopsy this morning, felt harder than usual in the wind but garmin has it at bang on 70% (new 70% is 1bpm lower), and exactly 10:00 pace which isfaster than normal for this run. SLightly flattered though by the first mile being 128bpm or 60% though. Ignoring that it was probably more like 72%.
Mar 2008
9:51am, 21 Mar 2008
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well done lums looking good

had a really bad run yesterday, had originally planned 10 mile with intervals but instead just ran 3 to body pump and 2 home. It was windy, but even so was really slow pace, managed to keep HR down to 70% but was a struggle

not sure what to do today.

I feel the need to do intervals as I am worried about loosing speed. Last week was cutback week and feeeling teird from 20mile race so no intervals or speed. If I dont do any this week that will be two weeks with no intervals. The three weeks before the race I did do intervals but that is all I have done in this lot of training so getting worried. My schedule focuses on tempo runs early in the schedule (which I did as part of club run but the tempo bit was never really hard enough), then switches to intervals. Am feeling like I will be unprepared due to lack of speed work.
Mar 2008
11:52am, 21 Mar 2008
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The Jogger
12 miler for me today, 10:58 pace AHR 146 67% it was an undulating road as oppossed to the hilly trail I usually do, as the hip flexor is playing up a bit, gotta do 16 on Sunday

Hellen so long as you are getting the miles in I think you will be well prepared...........
Mar 2008
12:45pm, 21 Mar 2008
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Hellen, I think you will be well prepared too. You have done the long runs and have have been getting the miles in, which I think is far more important for marathon training than speedwork. I think the best thing you can do for next 3 weeks is to prepare as best as possible instead of thinking about what you could have done and Im sure you'll do well.

A quick question, if I am training by heart rate for my marathon and my marathon goal pace is 8.00/mile am I training too fast at the moment? Most of my recovery runs and medium long runs are around 8.20 to 8.40/mile. Is it possible I am running too fast at the moment or should I be able to run a faster pace than 8.00/mile for the marathon? Or should I just ignore my pace for now, like Im sure you are going to say, and just train to heart rate? Btw I would be very pleased with 8.00/mile for my marathon.
Mar 2008
12:57pm, 21 Mar 2008
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With the miles you have run you must have the endurance covered, I would do the taper and not worry about the speedwork at this stage.

Your HM time suggests a PMP of 8 m/m but if you are doing 8:20 - 8:40 at 70% whr sounds like you should be quicker, maybe check that those times really are at 70%
Mar 2008
1:01pm, 21 Mar 2008
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difficult one Ian
I find that my HR/pace often dont match. So for example, parker says that your HR for a LSR should be 68-78% (starting at 68% and increasing throughout the run as you have been doing). They also say that LSR should be 10-20% slower than MP ie start at 20% below and increase to 10% below.

I have not done the increasing the LSR pace thing but a 21 mile LSR I did 10.20/mile for a 70% HR so I was in theory at the lower end of their pace suggestion of 20% below MP. There is no way that my LSR pace was 20% slower than MP, that would make my MP 8.30/mile which is actually faster than my HM pace!!!

I am sure there are some people out there for whom their LSR is done at the HR P and D suggest and the pace works out right.
Mar 2008
2:04pm, 21 Mar 2008
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Thanks Hellen and Stuart.

My max heart rate has been as high as 190bpm, and my resting hr at the moment is around 47bpm so the only thing I could possibly be doing is training at a lower heart rate than sub 70% rather than higher.

I was more concerned I might be running too fast for my training runs, as Im also starting to feel quite tired all the time but hopefully this normal for marathon training rather than overtraining!
Mar 2008
2:58pm, 21 Mar 2008
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difficult to know if tierdness is what is to be expected or if it is overtraining. I think that from what I have read we are meant to feel tierd but not exhausted.

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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