Fetchie Flab Fighters

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30 Mar
9:36am, 30 Mar 2024
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Feeling much better today, thankfully, but still a bit washed out and low in energy. Managed a shower and some banana and yoghurt for breakfast.

We’re meant to be going to some friends for games and food and I’m not sure whether to go or not.

I’m not going to do Sunday’s 10k though. Even if I do feel a lot better again tomorrow, it just feels a bit much.

Such a shame as the weather looks nice today
30 Mar
9:56am, 30 Mar 2024
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Feel your pain scribbler my mam has just said she’s been out for 5m and hopes I’m feeling better. I am to where I was through the week but still not running well. We’re at a wedding tonight I’m going but I’m worried as when the cough gets hold it takes me to choking point and dry retching. I’ve got cold sores starting and wow they’re painful another Covid test done and def negative.

Let’s hope the sun shining helps us both feel better. I hope you get to your friends.
30 Mar
10:10am, 30 Mar 2024
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RevB - our leisure centre open all weekend too but some limited hours and classes.

TheScribbler - good you're feeling much better. Sensible decision re the 10k.

Geordiegirl - sounds like you need some more recovery time.

Done 30mins upper body at the gym.
I've rescheduled the body analyser for the following Monday, which is fine for me.

Eating a kiwi fruit with skin, which I find a really filling snack. I started eating them with the skin on to up my fibre intake.
30 Mar
11:51am, 30 Mar 2024
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I’ve started a journal (with one and paper) to track my journey…. and hopefully remind myself of all the things I need to remember when the going gets tough.

Took some measurements….. did it in cm, because no emotional connection again. Then decided to compare with the size guide on the M&S website.

Here’s the thing - I am currently wearing size 22 M&S jeans. When I bought them in January they were snug. Now, nearly a stone and a half lighter, they are comfortable to loose. There are times when they almost feel baggy.

My bust measurement is halfway between 20 and 22.
My waist measurement is 1cm below 22.
My hip measurement is…. 2.5cm ABOVE 22.

Yep, classic pear shape, me. I’m going to have to wait a good bit longer to get into 20’s. By the time they fit, it will probably be too warm to wear them. So - I’ll be looking for some lightweight drawstring capri pants (ideally linen) for the summer…. then maybe size 18 jeans in the Autumn!
30 Mar
12:23pm, 30 Mar 2024
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RevB - clothes sizes are all over the place these days and vary so much.

Classic pear shape is considered to be a healthier shape than apple shaped.

One day when I had some spare time I went through all the sports brands that I'm likely to buy/look at online and made a note of the sizes. Then when I've bought something I've noted what size fits me. I buy all my running and gym kit online as I seem to live in lycra these days. Sizes vary and in one brand I may need a bigger or smaller size depending on what item it is.

Jeans etc I tend to buy in store so I can see them before I buy.

I haven't switched to metric for my measurements, sticking to imperial for now.
30 Mar
1:21pm, 30 Mar 2024
22,090 posts
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Been to the shops today and lots of outside walking (to avoid parking in the nightmare that the shopping centre is) the weather of beautiful and I feel so much better for it. Got myself a new swimming costume and over shirt for holiday. The shirt will be ideal for Jordan too. Here’s hoping spring stays this time.
30 Mar
1:36pm, 30 Mar 2024
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And feel the pain on clothing sizes I’m somewhere between 12-14 and somtorms even need a 16 and if they are small Medium large I have no chance.

The over shirt I bought I had to go large for my hips but it’s huge! I did wonder if I’ll even wear it fastened up. I’ll try on at home properly.
30 Mar
3:09pm, 30 Mar 2024
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If it's any consolation, I find sizes differ for men as well, depending on where I get them. For instance, I bought some t-shirts and sweatshirts from M&S and the sweatshirts are smaller, shorter and more 'snug' than before, even though they are supposedly the same size. And that's with me having lost some weight :) So much so, I've decided to ditch them and get some more as I'm fed up of pulling them down at the waist and cuffs. So I will make sure the new ones are a baggier fit than the current ones. I've tried Lands End in the past and they are a much better fit - so I think I'll try them as well as visiting my M&S and will compare.

In other news, weighed myself this morning and another .5kg off - onward and downwards
30 Mar
3:11pm, 30 Mar 2024
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I meant to add .. I did buy some new jeans from Lands End and they are a 'comfortable' fit. But if I lose enough weight, a belt may not hack it and I may have to invest in some braces to avoid them falling down. I got myself some waterproof walking trousers (Paramo) and similarly, they are a looser fit than usual. In fact, Paramo DO sell braces for their trousers - probably worthwhile me getting a pair!
30 Mar
3:32pm, 30 Mar 2024
2,116 posts
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Geordiegirl- hope the shirt fits.

WtnMel - that's really annoying that M&S sizes that you were happy with before have now changed. You'd expect a retailer such as M&S to be consistent with their sizing.

Braces may be a good investment especially if for a while you're in-between sizes.

Well done on the weight loss, all in the right direction.

About This Thread

Maintained by Lizzie W
Here we go another year, another start to the weight loss thread.

Let's give it our all this year and conquer our eating demons.

It's all about small changes, which lead to big changes.


Heres the link for the spreadsheet

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