Mar 2019
12:15pm, 4 Mar 2019
3,479 posts
You know what they say, Sweetie - what you do every day matters more than what you do occasionally.
Mar 2019
1:07pm, 4 Mar 2019
15,827 posts
That’s a considerable loss, Rev.
I kept the weight off for a few months the last time I followed BSD. It was only when I discovered that you *have to* 😉 have a “snack cupboard” in a motorhome that things went awry. Once I started dipping into the carbs, the cravings began and...I think you can probably work out what happened 🙃
Mar 2019
1:54pm, 4 Mar 2019
3,480 posts
I’ve still got a stone to go before I get back to where I was at the end of the Camino.
Mar 2019
10:05pm, 4 Mar 2019
77 posts
Queen of Cups
Just 1lb off with Slimming World tonight but I am happy as I only seem to lose weight every other week so it was bucking the trend! Now lost 10lb in total.
Mar 2019
10:15pm, 4 Mar 2019
15,828 posts
A good accumulation of lbs there, QofC. Well done.
Mar 2019
12:42pm, 5 Mar 2019
3,789 posts
Well done to everyone who's lost - some amazing results!
I'm going nowhere - if anything, I'm actually getting fatter, which I didn't think was possible. I've got back into the bad habit of weighing every day - I think because I wasn't seeing a difference weighing every week, so wanted to see if there were any fluctuations. There were a bit, but overall trend seems to be that I'm not losing weight at all.
A week last Monday, I was hopeful as I weighed, and was 10st 10lbs - though I think that was probably just as I'd barely eaten on Sunday. It stayed the same the next day, then went back to 11 and above - yesterday it was 11st 2, today 11st 3. A few weeks ago at least my body fat was going down - still way too high for someone who's allegedly a runner, but I'd got it down to 32-ish percent - in the last two days it's gone up to an all time high of 35% I feel like a total failure, I utterly hate myself and my body and am just absolutely disgusted with myself for being so fat and lazy and lacking in will power. Eating less doesn't work, eating healthily doesn't work - the only thing I truly think would work would be a SERIOUSLY calorie restricted diet (as the only thing that worked when I managed to lose weight when I was younger was basically not eating) but I'm too weak willed and lazy to do this. Sorry, I feel really bad moaning when you're all dedicated and trying so hard and I'm just a lazy whiny cow who isn't prepared to make the appropriate sacrifices.
I think one of the reasons it's been getting me down so much as I was really feeling that this would be the year I could do it, and that if I lost weight I could get my times down (some of my times last year and the year before were starting to get back to where I used to be when I was between 8.5-9.5st, though still a long way off over longer distances). Since about October though my times have been getting slower and slower (as I've been getting fatter and fatter), and with my 40th birthday coming up in the summer I'm worried I've left it too late either to lose weight or improve my running. Sorry once again for a long, whingy post
Mar 2019
12:46pm, 5 Mar 2019
19,769 posts
Lizzie W
Jenny, I really struggle with stickability, as soon as I think I'll get control I start buying bars of chocolate. I have no long mirrors at home.
You are not alone. Please don't hate your body. It does great things.
Mar 2019
12:47pm, 5 Mar 2019
8,712 posts
Some great results going on well done all.
I have been trying to take on board better balance of nutrition so savoury rice with mackrel for lunch and people moaning it smells can’t please anyone!! But it was delicious!!!
Mar 2019
1:02pm, 5 Mar 2019
8,052 posts
jennyh - I could have written your post, totally understand how you feel.
Sorry everyone had not changed the spreadsheet - manic weekend, but lovely wedding and still grinning from ear to ear.
Will clear now.
Mar 2019
1:24pm, 5 Mar 2019
8,833 posts
jenny - please don't beat yourself up so much. I too know exactly how you feel. Why don't you try changing little things bit by bit? e.g. reduce your bread intake one week, reduce butter/other fats the next, etc. Would that help? Try not to weigh yourself daily either. I have been struggling to lose any for years now and although I'm feeling more determined this year, it's still a big struggle because of a) my bad eating habits and b) my age (I think), but probably mostly a). The only way is to persevere and keep changing habits. There's no quick answer or magic formula. Big hugs x