Fetchie Flab Fighters 2018 - this really is our year!

28 watchers
Jun 2018
2:25pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Lip Gloss
Went to fat club today and up 2lbs in 3 weeks. Taking that as good as I reckon if I had been there last Friday it would have been 5lbs on. That takes me back to my target weight which is still good but it also means small weight gains since Christmas. I will attend every Friday for the next 6 until the wedding so should keep me on the straight and narrow;-)
Jun 2018
3:52pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Doing well LG :)
Jun 2018
5:20pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Nice one LG x
Jun 2018
5:27pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Lip Gloss
Thank you. It just shows how little cheats creep into eating habits and before you know it the lbs are on again.
This is my weak time of day, we usually eat about 7 and often from 4pm till then I could happily raid the kitchen. Next week won't be too bad as I will be at work full time and I have also booked gym classes for straight after.

Have a good weekend folks but most of all don't be too hard on yourself - life is for living - you don't get a second chance. :-)
Jun 2018
6:02pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Nice going LG - and very true, it’s easy to backslide into old eating habits - I’ve lost a fair amount before for it to creep back on.

Am rejoining this thread as feel I need to give myself a kick up the proverbial to motivate myself to lose weight. I want to improve my running times too, so hoping that will also provide motivation.
Jun 2018
6:05pm, 1 Jun 2018
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Having been running around after a very energetic 17.month old for 2 days i am shattered. Hoping it shows on scales tomorrow 😂

Off for a few days in the Isle of Man tomorrow so will relax a bit but be back on it when get back next thursday
Jun 2018
8:41am, 2 Jun 2018
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Yesterday was another Oh Dear, involving a decision to have on of those lovely samosas from the food market with our evening curry. This predicated an incecream mid afternoon (we’ll, it was hot and I’d mowed the lawn), a modest dessert of panna cotta and 1/2 of OH’s second choice bun.

Today.... thanks to yesterday up another fraction, so I am clearly well above IGW +2lb, so I should be on a strict day today. We’ll see. I’ll have to get round to updating the spreadsheet later.

I should be feeling crap as my weight loss efforts move in the wrong direction, but actually I’m feeling great. This is mainly because I’ve just been for a run. Gotta love those endorphins.
Jun 2018
8:43am, 2 Jun 2018
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Well running around afyer the boys helped. Have shifted the gain from last week and another 1lb.

Will no doubt put it back on over the next few days at the TT races but hey ho
Jun 2018
8:53am, 3 Jun 2018
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Accountability Post:

Yesterday was reasonable until the evening when I went to a housewarming party, and despite having taken some keto snacks with me I also tasted some of the definitely non-keto things too. I didn’t stay late because us Sunday workers need our beauty sleep.... but when I got home I consumed two yogurts and two strips of chocolate.

Nett result of this was a 0.5lb loss. Must obviously do this more often.

Today - should be a strict day because of being more than 2lb over IGW, but I am going out for lunch which makes it tricky. I’ll do my best not to go wild, how’s that?
Jun 2018
9:24am, 4 Jun 2018
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Accountability Post:

At the restaurant yesterday I managed a very low carb starter and main, but since we were on a 3-course fixed menu I had a pud. And then, cos it was so hot, we ended up having ice cream. Neither of those two choices were sensible. However, my body didn’t realise that, because I went down a pound. Can you make sense of that? Me neither.

Nett result - today I am (just) within two pounds of IGW, so it’s a Moderate day. It will probably end up being either a hardly eating at all day, or an eating inappropriate things day, because I’ve got funny timings, ending with an evening drive down to my Mum’s, where I’ll be staying for either one or two nights, depending how things go.

So, I’ll miss one or two days’ weighing, but I’ll still do accountability for what I’ve eaten.

About This Thread

Maintained by Rosehip
So here we go again :)
link to spreadsheet :https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Os-VTXENhO52bAlomzysVT0P35x40YxG1L3nUlUc9Vo/edit?usp=sharing

Shiny new thread, drawing a line under whatever happened during the festi...

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