Finished listening on this morning's run. So glad I had my flannel with me - got me in the feels x The birdsong was lovely - I had it in stereo as I was running along the river and the birds IRL were singing along
I have somehow missed a few weeks blogs..I started to listen to this weeks late today, and it immediately lifted my spirits and made me feel better..will finish it off tomorrow and then work my way back over the ones I missed
Scribbler, your piece was beautifully constructed and delivered*. I was moved to get my kids to listen to it right away. Too young: they were "meh" about it. I then got my wife to listen to it and she was in tears, as was I. This was then repeated a couple of minutes later on hearing what it meant to KatieB and Fetch. Such a wonderful intense moment of togetherness, apart.
*all the more amazing that it was constructed live.
I've just listened to the latest podcast, and during phal's contribution I was putting the washing out. When she'd finished the birds here were going a bit mental, I think they must have heard the bird song on the podcast and got all excited, or territorial or something, or wondered why they could hear British birds 😉
Both Corah's piece and scribblers made me cry. I'm feeling so lonely. Being not allowed out at all, except for shopping (and you can only do that singularly so Paul and I take turns) is so hard. I haven't seen my son since November and I keep trying to get some face time with him but it doesn't happen and I don't want to nag him. I'd love the idea of a fetch group zoom, human contact would be so welcome, not that Paul isn't human 😂 but it's only been us for 5 weeks now, and I know there are people so much worse off, living on their own, but seeing other people, even just online would be lovely. But thank you for this site, for creating such a lovely community, and for the podcast ❤️
Ooh, here's an idea. What about "Podcast goes Live"?
So, Sunday or Monday (or whenever is convenient for Fetch n Katie), the usual planned podcast recording / putting together time, we start a great big zoom and just record that instead. We can have Fetch n Katie doing their highlights etc. but for the "unscripted" bits and the Fetchie contributors, we can just have the chattage or someone reading a piece out live etc.
Make sure the "Record" button is on for the whole time (1 hour or 45 mins or whatev) and that is then uploaded as audio to be the #63 Podcast.
2 birds with one stone? A bit of social n video nonsense and an audio recording at same time?
I'll join yas, if we're doing that. I haven't got Zoom but I'm sure I can get it together. G
Or search for 'fetcheveryone' in your favourite podcast app - let us know if it's not listed.
Leave your comments and content suggestions on this thread.
Contributors We love getting contributions. Here's how:
1) find somewhere with minimal background noise 2) recording on a smartphone is fine 3) start with "Hello Fetchies, it's..." 4) a couple of minutes is a good length 5) don't worry about ums, aahs and pauses. We can edit them out. 6) email the file to
Episode 93: The Christmas Poem
Episode 92: The Office Party - Without Further Ado
Featured Fetchies: Linds, Fleecy, Dipps and TeeBee and the mystery of what's in the bag (37:10) Two vVMLM experiences from Fizz (40:00) and Gimmemedals (44:20)
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