The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
Listened to latest episode on this evening’s run. Sorry to hear about Uncle Keith, Katie. He sounds a great guy.
Volunteering wise: I ref under 11s girls football on Saturday mornings and I’m a school governor. But I do think it is getting increasingly harder to get people to volunteer for things.
As the person who complained the length of the last episode was 90 seconds too short - I think anything between 40 and 60 mins is great. I love the informal structure - it’s like being sat in your kitchen listening to you talk about things you’re interested in - and as I’m interested too I’m happy to sit and listen (whilst running). Just keep doing what you do.
Great to hear ITG talking about PJ - which reminds me that I never did report back on how my PJ went or why I don’t have a Canadian accent.
I always look at the length of the podcast before I listen to it and am very happy to see when it is a longer one.
I enjoy volunteering at events. I think my favourite one was the Darkness into Light walk, that has happened a couple of times in the village. It begins at about 4:30am, with the idea that people start walking in the dark and finish just as dawn is breaking. It’s organised by an Irish charity that helps people who are self harming or suicidal.
The volunteers gathered at the GAA club at about 1:00am so it was a bit of an early start, but the sight of 700 walkers streaming along the road, with head torches and glow sticks, was really impressive.
I've just listened to this week's milestone 50 podcast, well done Mr and Mrs Fetch, that's a lot of planning, recording, editing and all the other stuff that goes with it 👏👏 When they started they always left me wanting more at about 25 to 30 minutes, but now I think they are just the right length.
Lovely recording from ITG, well done on your WAVA PB, and 1st Lady!! You have a lovely accent, and I had to focus really hard because you talk really fast 😊
So sorry to hear about your uncle Keith, he sounds like a lovely man, and lol to the full tank of petrol, at least someone else got the benefit, it was his parting gift x
Lovely to have your company on my walk again today. Great to hear from ITG about her Project Joker improvement. And sorry to hear about Uncle Keith ((Katie)).
You were asking about volunteering. I enjoy volunteering at parkrun and I also volunteer at the Newcastle SOUP community event every couple of months. This is an event where 4 community groups speak for 4 minutes about their project and at the end of the night everyone votes for the group which they think deserves the money taken on the door. It's a great way to find out about good things going on in your local area and there are events all over the UK.
I could write a blog post or I can record something about SOUP if you're interested.
There are Soup projects all around the UK, sadly I don't think there's a central place where you can find one near you. It originated in Detroit, but I've found references to SOUPs in Liverpool, Manchester, at the Eden project, Brighton, Bournemouth and local to me there are events in Durham, Stockton and Newcastle. Search for #projectsoup
Or search for 'fetcheveryone' in your favourite podcast app - let us know if it's not listed.
Leave your comments and content suggestions on this thread.
Contributors We love getting contributions. Here's how:
1) find somewhere with minimal background noise 2) recording on a smartphone is fine 3) start with "Hello Fetchies, it's..." 4) a couple of minutes is a good length 5) don't worry about ums, aahs and pauses. We can edit them out. 6) email the file to
Episode 93: The Christmas Poem
Episode 92: The Office Party - Without Further Ado
Featured Fetchies: Linds, Fleecy, Dipps and TeeBee and the mystery of what's in the bag (37:10) Two vVMLM experiences from Fizz (40:00) and Gimmemedals (44:20)
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