Feb 2020
5:13am, 25 Feb 2020
18,801 posts
That must be so difficult to see and remember Chris
Feb 2020
6:37am, 25 Feb 2020
1,988 posts
Little Miss Happy
I hope your mum is soon comfortable Chris.
Feb 2020
7:23am, 25 Feb 2020
29,326 posts
That is sad and worrying, Chris.
Feb 2020
7:52am, 25 Feb 2020
33,504 posts
That sounds awful to see and think about, Chris.
Feb 2020
8:49am, 25 Feb 2020
12,009 posts
So sorry to hear this Chris.
Feb 2020
8:52am, 25 Feb 2020
45,383 posts
Difficult stuff, Chris Though it's amazing how some elderly people trundle along in a state of having so little muscle reserve that they're one illness away from becoming immobile.
Feb 2020
10:11am, 25 Feb 2020
2,967 posts
Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Sorry to hear this Chris - I hope Mum is made as comfortable as possible.
It was quite a shock when MiL looked like this, plus as she was mostly in hospital she never bothered to get dressed so you got to see more skin and bone Once she had recovered from all the re-occurring infections she started to eat a little bit more and the dietitians have done a fab job on rebuilding her. She is still underweight but compared to where she was she is doing well to maintain. They have managed to build up her energy levels so she is a little bit mobile but as for muscle I am not sure what is holding her bones in place.
Feb 2020
2:50pm, 25 Feb 2020
10,726 posts
That's hard, Chris. When my Mum was first ill I had the same thoughts.
She now has the opposite problem - there is rather too much of her, and very little of it is actually muscle, now she is basically immobile. When she's more "aware" she is embarrassed by that, but for a depressingly large amount of the times I've seen her over the last few months she's not been too bothered, and enjoys her butter and cream...
Feb 2020
9:42am, 27 Feb 2020
9,507 posts
So sad Chris.
Mum is all settled in her new flat, she seems pretty happy enough (nothing is ever perfect though). She seems to be losing a lot of weight rather quickly so need to get her checked over to.
My dad (my blood dad, the mum above is my adoptive mum and much older) had a nasty crash on his bike before Christmas which is taking him a long time to get over. He was knocked off and knocked out cold but luckily outside the hospital in Barcelona, no broken bones but lots of muscle damage. This last weekend he was in hospital due to palpitations, and not able to get heart beat under control, so they did the stop/restart of his heart and fingers crossed he is ok at the moment, on drugs and goes back in a couple of weeks. Hate him being so far away but thankfully they are moving back to the UK this summer
Mar 2020
12:00pm, 1 Mar 2020
5,190 posts
I posted on 21 Feb that my uncle died unexpectedly before my aunt. My aunt joined him last night 😪 Looks like they may be having a joint funeral. I can't begin to comprehend what my cousins are going through.