May 2012
1:31pm, 25 May 2012
19 posts
Thanks for the reassurances everyone! Just had a very nice pint of Hadham Gold (from Green Tye and feel much better about Sunday!
I'm a pink number, from near the front of Regent Road.
May 2012
1:41pm, 25 May 2012
11,510 posts
Not implying I'm an alkie, are you, Renters? Yes, directions from Ryan's Bar help, lol
Beat me to it, JaneyM, well done Those up for a pre race group pic/ chat/ hugs /introductions, shall we stick to the traditional 9am meet up outside St James shopping centre? It's along from Burger King and very close to the baggage trucks, toilets and race starts
May 2012
2:15pm, 25 May 2012
First-time poster!!
I've not been around here as much as I wanted, but am going to be in Edinburgh on Sunday for my first-ever marathon. Absolutely petrified right now! I've been training in the cold all winter... what's with this sunshine nonsense!?
I'll be in a macmillan cancer support vest, starting at Regents Road (orange pen).
Good luck everyone!
May 2012
3:39pm, 25 May 2012
150 posts
ButterflyLou (MrsMothy)
I'm on Regents Road start gold pen with green Macmillan vest and LOU on the front - I'll be wearing my white visor and bottle belt so please come and say hi - feeling very nervous too! We've arrived in Edinburgh though so at least we're here!! BBC weather saying cloudy and sunny spells morning about 12 degrees at 10am then 15 degrees at 1pm with full sun and 17 degrees at 4pm with full sun - not as hot as down south!!
May 2012
3:40pm, 25 May 2012
10,112 posts
That's good news Lou I'm in the Gold pen as well, I'll look out for you.
May 2012
4:12pm, 25 May 2012
11,511 posts
Lou, that's still too hot for me, I prefer single figure weather for race day *works hard on rain dance to cool the temps doon*
May 2012
4:16pm, 25 May 2012
11,512 posts
Got to be honest, folks, come race day, I'll be so nervous/focused/writing my will, that I won't recall who's wearing what, but I'll be in Fetch colours and I promise I'm not ignoring the charity vest runners, I'm just a numpty with a bad memory, please say hi anyway
May 2012
4:25pm, 25 May 2012
32,018 posts
from Rentboy's high on caffeine status, McN, perhaps everbody looks like they are moving oddly
May 2012
4:53pm, 25 May 2012
333 posts
Good Luck everyone racing in Edinburgh this weekend. Wishing you grey skies and a gentle but chilling breeze.
May 2012
4:57pm, 25 May 2012
3,019 posts
still no number for me so gonna have to collect tomorrow, our flight gets in about 8am so hoping for sunshine - wheres suitable to spend a few hours lazing in a park with a picnic?? we're hoping to do the open top bus tour so anywhere we can get off suitable?