The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
Lots of Makaton words there I need to learn as I progress I think. I currently know 'horse' 'horse riding' 'trotting' 'saddle' and 'reins.' Oh and possibly the one most vital to at least recognise 'toilet'
I learned snow in makaton from Mr Tumble off the telly.
Tonight I went to a film festival at Eden Court theatre. First time in a theatre/cinema since covid. The films were great but I did not like wearing my mask for so long. Not helped by the theatre being hot and stuffy.
Thanks for all the posts about Makaton. I'd heard the word but didn't really know what it was. Now I do. ...sort of.
Learnt a few words form Sushi's thousand years video.
What are the main differences between Makaton and BSL, please? Is Makaton only used for people (mainly children?) with learning an communication difficulties?
The way it was explained to me was that BSL is a living language, just like spoken language. It evolves and changes over time, with new words and occasional changes to grammar. Makaton is more fixed both in terms of vocabulary and grammar
Most of you know the score. Much in the bizarre way Easter has come to mean Chocolate, Lent is mainly thought of as an opportunity to Give Up Chocolate. At least until Easter. You know what I mean, 'What are you giving up for Lent?' * I say NO to this. Away with the hair shirts and the deprivation. Let's embrace change and the NEW. Spring is a time of renewal - and restoration.
Soooooo..... you don't have to take up indoor sky diving like my partner's 90 year old mot...
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