Mar 2021
7:27am, 23 Mar 2021
348 posts
Beautiful morning! I am usually out running by 4:30 and the morning really started to lighten quickly today, enjoying seeing the blossom on the trees, this usually means we are in for a storm to blow it all away!
Mar 2021
8:12am, 23 Mar 2021
4,227 posts
CC2 Speedy Goth
Gorgeous colour LGJ. I really don't need another jacket, but if I did I'd be all over that one!
Mar 2021
8:31am, 23 Mar 2021
34,446 posts
One of those jackets might have fallen into my basket.
Mar 2021
8:32am, 23 Mar 2021
511 posts
The Pin Lady
I had a nice newt yeaterday. I went for a run with my son - first time in 4 years. On our walk on Sunday, he liked the idea of beating me at parkrun when it starts back. I casually mentioned that he'd better do some training as he hadn't run in 4 years (apart from school p.e.) Being 14, meant that he could run the 2.3 mile route we did yesterday (1st half uphill!) without too much bother. I have sown the seed that he could get a sub 25 min 5K if he did some regular running. We will see if goes out again on Wednesday!
Mar 2021
10:10am, 23 Mar 2021
4,250 posts
BaronessB my cat (who we lost last year ) used to come on dog walks. We live about 3/4 front the park and she would come she would follow us all the way around the park. If there was anything she was worried about she was dart into bushes to hide. Sometimes on walks if I was heading to town I’d tell her no and she would wait in a garden behind a wall or hedge and if I came back an hour or 2 hours later she would still be there waiting. A man did have a go at me at the park once saying don’t moan if his jack Russell caught her. He was quite aggressive. I wondered if his dog could climb trees ?? ....
Mar 2021
10:10am, 23 Mar 2021
4,251 posts
3/4 mile
Mar 2021
10:16am, 23 Mar 2021
8,886 posts
What a lovely cat she must have been RMo3B. When I first saw this lady ahead of me yesterday I could see she had a brown dog and what I assumed first of all was a small black dog with her - it was only as I got closer I realised it was a cat.
Mar 2021
10:37am, 23 Mar 2021
52,196 posts
I bought perfume online, my favourite is discontinued so I’m trying samples of 4 new ones. I realised that I actually already have a sample of one of them. Tried it and it’s too strong. I guess that one won’t be my new favourite!
Mar 2021
10:39am, 23 Mar 2021
24,167 posts
just a thought fleecy .... have you worn much perfume in the last 12 months? I know I haven't! Maybe it seems strong now as you aren't used to many smells about?
Mar 2021
10:40am, 23 Mar 2021
52,197 posts
Actually I try to wear it more often now