Feb 2021
11:06am, 18 Feb 2021
9,113 posts
Sharks, I sometimes describe myself as a recovering vegetarian
I was veggie for almost 20 years and then began to re-introduce meat and fish. But I will still eat veg for the first mouthful in any meal. And I still cook a good amount of veggie food.
Not sure what today’s newt will be...
Feb 2021
11:19am, 18 Feb 2021
17,321 posts
I need to pick a Newt of the Day for day one. So many goodies to choose from, hard to decide. Can’t promise this every day and I’m sorry if I miss you in today’s round up - but hey YOU know what you did and that’s what matters.
It’s cool when a Newt sparks a conversation and gives other people ideas. Jennywren’s room of her own - an ongoing new thing - did just that. As did mandymoo’s decision to make her own Ras el Hanout: new meals and spice mixes all round. V-rap blogged a week of photographed dinners - she’s never done THAT before.
Typing Ras el Hanout somehow came out as Easel Hangout. Brilliant! Could be a new thread. I ’might’ start it…. Dio and halfpint quick off the draw - with wise words from Limegreenjelly about doing art stuff if you're hesitant but want to. More wise words via Homeless Kodo’s new reading matter, other new books started yesterday too.
Big projects include Hanneke keeping bees - there’s a thread for that I believe. Sallykate has started Duolingo Italian, Mazlin is tra la la-ing courtesy of a singing course. .B. is mastering the Rubik Cube.
I’ll quote Raemond as this might be useful for other people: 'I've started… a collection of projects including some details. Hopefully it will help with getting distracted by a shiny new idea and wanting to start on it right away - I can just add it to the bank and then when I have an afternoon or evening where I don't know what to do I can pick something from the bank that should fit the available time.' Store up those newts. Why not?
Obvs there’s running and walking stuff too. Gimme Medals is rightfully happy about her best 5k for AGES - a season’s best is deffo a new thing. Rosehip and Fleecy did hill reps (not in the same place), several of you found new routes and noticed stuff along the way.
Feb 2021
11:27am, 18 Feb 2021
17,322 posts
Know what though? I'm going to pick this:
And in the spirit of the thread, my new thing today, is changing my username from MazH to MazzyH to avoid confusion with Mazlin....
Now MazH is a long time, loved and admired Fetchie, but it's her first time on this thread (I think). Mazlin has Newted from Year One (I think).
Apart from Fleecy and Homeless Kodo I think most of us are quite attached to our names, and even if not, I just love the absence of 'Hey I was here FIRST!' from MazH. Now known as Mazzy
Of course Maz (Mazlin) may well jump in and complicate matters saying she prefers us to use Mazlin anyway...
Feb 2021
11:27am, 18 Feb 2021
9,455 posts
Hi all! Thanks for this thread, I think it will be good for me in this season of lockdown lethargy.
A day late but yesterday I spotted the first flowers of the winter aconite bulbs that I planted a few months ago. Not quite so much a doing as a seeing but still a nice surprise. Today I have photographed them
(not properly open, but coming)
Feb 2021
11:28am, 18 Feb 2021
19,873 posts
Good call, Sharkie
Feb 2021
11:32am, 18 Feb 2021
11,281 posts
Awwwwww, well that is lovely! I will keep an eye on the thread for the picking of today's winner!
My newt so far.... a new brekkie of All Bran, greek yoghurt/whey protein, seeds, and blueberries.... It was like cake for breakfast! - looked gross, but tasted lovely.
Feb 2021
11:32am, 18 Feb 2021
23,275 posts
*claps* Nice choice Nice pic too JDA
I've moved my scales out of the way so I don't use them
Feb 2021
11:36am, 18 Feb 2021
179 posts
Huge cube fan B! Interested in how you get on! I’m not one of those speedcubers but I have a few moves I taught myself as a keen 10 year old! I can do a double row easily and then just fiddle over a few weeks and they do eventually fall into place! I did get a cube for Christmas that connects to my phone which is supposed to teach you the algorithms to solve it but I still fail on the last bit!
Feb 2021
11:36am, 18 Feb 2021
51,566 posts
Lovely choice. I think MazH has changed her name before; I started to think, "NOOOOOOOOOOO! That'll mean a particular blog entry of mine look silly because the person referred to no longer exists," but it doesn't matter because that blog entry was a name change ago and was a bit silly anyway.
Feb 2021
11:49am, 18 Feb 2021
11,282 posts
I always have a wee change at Christmas too! don't we all!
I've never got on with a Rubix cube LGJ, I'm envious!