Aug 2020
8:56am, 14 Aug 2020
12,983 posts
Had enough of the JR thread, bye.
Aug 2020
8:56am, 14 Aug 2020
18,293 posts
yes you could say more testing = more cases BUT those very same people who ended up in hospital with CV will still have ended up in hospital with CV they were still seriously ill regardless as to when they were tested they are still in hospital ill and with covid
Aug 2020
8:58am, 14 Aug 2020
699 posts
None not one.
If we do carry on as at present do people not see it will lead to economic devastation? From a travel industry perspective alone think how many jobs are linked indirectly as well as directly & that’s just one industry. Not much use being safe from CV19 if you’ve no income to live on or feed or house yourself or your family.
Aug 2020
8:59am, 14 Aug 2020
18,732 posts
JR that post makes perfect sense. It doesn’t negate the effects or the risks of Covid but it is a horrible personal consequence. Mask wearing may not go away short term. Local lockdown may not go away short term. It may take a long time to clear the backlog. But medical staff conducting tests are in a safer place now the incidental rate is lower and there is procedures in place. And we needed that. So I hope services are resumed for you very quickly x
Aug 2020
9:00am, 14 Aug 2020
45,114 posts
Derby Tup
Who’s manipulating people emotionally?
I lost the best part of last year to two operations then chemotherapy for cancer. I was very lucky, in that the expected outcome was my outcome and it was last year, not this year. My employers supported me 100% and I worked through the chemotherapy as best I could
This year I’ve been furloughed since April 1st; not on full pay, but on considerably less than my normal income. In short another pretty shit year sat around wondering if there’ll be a job at the end of it (again)
It would be easy for someone like me to be bitter about what’s happened recently but I’m not. Depressed yes. But not bitter
I’m not a natural supporter of the party currently running the country but actually feel sorry for them. They don’t know what they’re doing. Nobody does. It’s new and different. It’s not flu; that’s obvious and has been basically since day one
What makes me smile is all kind of people on the internet doubting medical science, and thinking they know best. Basically they don’t; how could they? The strange thing is they invariably seem to be people who have been least affected by the outbreak. Odd that isn’t it?
Aug 2020
9:00am, 14 Aug 2020
18,733 posts
(Post 695)
Aug 2020
9:00am, 14 Aug 2020
18,294 posts
not much use having an thriving travel industry if the hospitals are full and people are dying and grieving
Aug 2020
9:01am, 14 Aug 2020
700 posts
I don’t know why I get dragged back into this debate. Life must go on - as has been clearly reported the UK is in its worst recession for many years. There will be far more families suffering the long term effects of that in years to come if we keep closing whole sectors of business to stay safe.
Stay safe all.
Aug 2020
9:01am, 14 Aug 2020
4,148 posts
Fizz :-)
We have paid an enormous price in economic and mental terms. But I hope and pray that the immense short term pain will be repaid in the long term gain.
Aug 2020
9:05am, 14 Aug 2020
18,295 posts
Fizz ... I do love that you have a at the end of your name ... always makes me smile too so thanks for that little gesture intended or not!