Coronavirus **support** thread
2 lurkers |
161 watchers
Aug 2020
11:02pm, 13 Aug 2020
10,954 posts
Little Nemo
I can think of a few possible reasons why death rates are lower now: * Fewer car accidents * Less pollution so fewer deaths due to that * People paying more attention to hygiene so not picking up other diseases * People that would have been dying now from other causes have sadly already died from Covid-19 |
Aug 2020
11:05pm, 13 Aug 2020
23,619 posts
Johnny Blaze
I see it as a bit like holding the door shut on the tiger cage. For as long as you keep it shut, nobody gets eaten. If nobody is getting eaten, what's the problem? Well, let's just open the cage door and see what happens... Ultimately the virus cares not for any of our concerns or preoccupations or our politics. It just wants to replicate, and for as long as we allow it to, it certainly will. I genuinely believe that we cannot leave it to rage unchecked. It would be inhumane, it would quite probably wreck the NHS, and politically it would be a dereliction of any government's duty to protect the public. |
Aug 2020
11:09pm, 13 Aug 2020
18,727 posts
The arguments about whether the cost is worth the benefit I understand. The argument not to do something because you didn’t do it on another occasion I don’t. lockdown had a dramatic impact on reducing the scale of cases - now both the level of lockdown and the rise in cases is less than it was. the cost of the last months has been high and disproportionately shared - both the cost of the illness and the cost of lockdown. I think this thread has actually represented both costs well
Aug 2020
11:10pm, 13 Aug 2020
11,149 posts
There were several points about cases etc on More or Less this week (new series). Well worth 28mins of your time: Point was also made that a 2nd wave similar to March unlikely as we are simply testing much much more, meaning local restrictions are an option. Haven't full thought through the argument yet, but it seemed plausible on first listening. |
Aug 2020
11:12pm, 13 Aug 2020
18,728 posts
Yes and PPE while awful to wear and with some provisos Is much more available than it was
Aug 2020
11:15pm, 13 Aug 2020
686 posts
How we define ‘protect the public’ differs though. What about the tens of thousands with no job/income? Have we really protected them? Suicides & domestic violence cases up massively, mental health in crisis & food banks demand exceeding supply. If we keep locking down, even if only locally, these issues will only get worse. Not to mention the potential collapse of the tourist/airline industry with ever more quarantine restrictions as well as all the business indirectly linked to them. The ‘protection’ may start to look worse than the disease for many.
Aug 2020
11:18pm, 13 Aug 2020
687 posts
I’m classed as high risk due to family breast cancer risk & have been in screening programme since age 39 with both mother & sister having suffered & gran - yet here we are with my yearly scan now 3 months overdue & still no date....I guess I’m not alone - I fear more CV19 cases may result in the start of screening halted.
Aug 2020
11:18pm, 13 Aug 2020
2,782 posts
Tim of Fife
My issue isn't with the here and now. It is what do we do say next year if no vaccine is ever found. Do we sacrifice normal social interaction, unfettered communal worship, attending a live sporting, cultural or sporting event, etc, etc? Do we forever stay two metres from people we meet? Do we wear masks? Do we get used to trading personal information to get a burger in a cafe. God, I hope not. Wouldn't be a world I'd want to live in. |
Aug 2020
11:21pm, 13 Aug 2020
18,729 posts
My point JR. All of the groups you mention may have lost their lives, their customers, their ability to work through contracting the virus. But they didn’t. So now instead they suffer the impacts of lockdown. I don’t see that anyone has won through all this but some have suffered worse than others
Aug 2020
11:22pm, 13 Aug 2020
45,111 posts
Derby Tup
‘Wouldn't be a world I'd want to live in’ - really?
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