Aug 2020
2:10pm, 12 Aug 2020
4,349 posts
run free
Agree GG. There are many ways. Just parts of society are unable to evolve and want to stick with what they perceive as normal.
Aug 2020
2:14pm, 12 Aug 2020
23,606 posts
Johnny Blaze
If we go back to normal life we can be fairly certain that many thousands of people will die. We would also, incidentally, become an international pariah, much like the US is at the moment. The number of countries accepting travellers from the US is very small at present and understandably so. What we need to do, surely, is to make as many manageable modifications to our lifestyle which are consistent with capping off exponential growth whilst allowing some measure of economic activity to emerge. Where that point is is subject to debate obviously, but it would certainly help if people stopped a) Thinking it is all about them (it isn't) and b) Stop thinking about restrictions as a political issue when it is a public health issue. Thinking of this as a political issue (freedom vs responsibility) is what is screwing up the US and, I would say, is partly responsible for getting us in this mess in the first place.
Aug 2020
2:16pm, 12 Aug 2020
45,047 posts
Derby Tup
Spot on
Aug 2020
2:16pm, 12 Aug 2020
36,123 posts
well put
Aug 2020
2:18pm, 12 Aug 2020
11,647 posts
Agree JB
Aug 2020
2:22pm, 12 Aug 2020
2,682 posts
It might also help if the media started openly deriding some of the more wacko conspiracy theories instead of including them as part of a "balanced view".
Aug 2020
2:23pm, 12 Aug 2020
45,048 posts
Derby Tup
There’s a clue in the term pandemic. This is a very serious global health (and economic) problem. Whether infections or deaths are up or down in your valley, city, nation or even continent is neither here nor there. Without an effective and safe vaccine life isn’t going back to the ‘old normal’ any time soon, if ever
Aug 2020
2:27pm, 12 Aug 2020
4,350 posts
run free
Am waiting for VR movies to become normal
Aug 2020
2:28pm, 12 Aug 2020
7,287 posts
Just caught up on a lot of posts. I know it can get a bit argumentative in here, but interesting reading the different views.
I have a question- apologies if this has already been answered. We're currently on holiday in UK in our caravan. Mr WA and I have been doing supermarket shopping in the same way we would at home, and other than that, we haven't been inside anywhere. We've spent time on beaches and on walks as a family group and maintaining sd and hand hygiene
However, our eldest daughter is very anxious and is asking if we can all have tests when we get home before we see grandparents again. We actually live in an area that is currently on local lockdown (no meeting inside or in gardens) but my mum is part of our support bubble.
Is is possible to get tested if we have no symptoms? I work in the NHS and am very aware of *wasting* resources that could be better used elsewhere.
Aug 2020
2:31pm, 12 Aug 2020
45,049 posts
Derby Tup
A friend of mine (who lives in an area similarly affected to yours WA), cares for a parent they don’t live with and recently got a free NHS test in Halifax. Bradford is another option apparently. The test tells you if you currently have the virus NOT if you have anti-bodies