Coronavirus **support** thread

162 watchers
Aug 2020
12:51pm, 12 Aug 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
JR, yes but that’s not everyone you meet. And don’t forgot we communicate with people all the time without seeing their faces - phone, internet.

You can remove your mask for a lip reader.
Aug 2020
12:52pm, 12 Aug 2020
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yes jr but your argument was that there are already kids mixing so it wasn't an issue I was pointing out that INSIDE in CONFINED classrooms is massively different to outside as you have already pointed out re the VE day events and beach gatherings
Aug 2020
12:53pm, 12 Aug 2020
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Derby Tup - you’re lucky then. We have a growing problem with kids/teenagers meeting in big groups here - was never previously much of an issue before so suspect much is due to it being a result of school/other activities being curtailed.
Aug 2020
12:55pm, 12 Aug 2020
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RP - but these kids are going home to their HOUSES (indoors) & spending time with their families who are subsequently going out to WORK, Hospital, offices, supermarkets, pubs - all indoor venues. My point being infection rates going down in my area despite this.
Aug 2020
12:56pm, 12 Aug 2020
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Derby Tup
Have you thought of calling the police? Surely these young people are breaking the law? And regularly too
Aug 2020
12:57pm, 12 Aug 2020
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Derby Tup - As I have been slated for on here - I am not as anxious as some so I am not personally concerned ref them meeting up outside. However, a lot of other community members are, hence the posts/pics on FB groups and have indeed reported them to the local PCSO/111 number.
Aug 2020
1:06pm, 12 Aug 2020
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Yes, there are groups of youngsters around and about. But not in the density that schools will create, not indoors for prolonged periods of time, and not all of them are behaving that way. My 20 yo has seen 3 of his friends since March in a socially distanced game of frisbee - where they all took santiser with them and all stayed distant. My 14yo hasn't seen another teenager he knows since March. My 11yo has just this last two weeks gone back to socially distanced rugby with no contact and lots of santiser in place.

Extrapolating from the groups of kids who are, with their parents' knowledge, going out and breaking the rules, to all those kids who aren't breaking the rules and then saying that this is strong evidence of no great risk of an infection wave, is highly flawed logic.

The DfEs guidance for schools etc broadly says "kids, chill out - you're not going to get ill from this so you don't need much protection" and then says "Dear male, 55yo, diabetic, overweight BAME teacher - this is your vocation, you're clearly willing to put your life on the line for the children you serve, so don't worry about the 30 in front of you today who may or may not be asymptomatic carriers; it's what you were born to do".
Aug 2020
1:18pm, 12 Aug 2020
18,266 posts
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and to add to Aberdeenshore's woos a train derailment :-(
Aug 2020
1:19pm, 12 Aug 2020
17,187 posts
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just read that. sounds awful. I hope all our north east Scotland people and their families are OK.
Aug 2020
1:21pm, 12 Aug 2020
14,753 posts
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Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
I live in a market town and haven't come across any large groups of people (of any age) whilst out for a run or walk. In fact last night in the park I was really impressed by how a range of age groups were there in appropriately sized groups and maintaining social distancing. Even at the skate park there was only a small group of youngsters.

About This Thread

Maintained by DocM
There is a separate discussion thread for debating the grander scheme of things here:

Go there if you want to talk about whether it's real, whether the government are trying to control us, etc, etc.


information, discussion and support about the unfolding Covid-19 outbreak
NO politics please
And above all please be kind and respect others points of view and concerns.

microbiologists view byFlatlander
Science of coronavirus
coronavirus testing by Flatlander

information for ashtma sufferers

information for pregnancy

imperial article

Government advice

advice for those with RA and autoinmmune diseases

diabetes advice

explaination of the maths of the growth of the epidemic

tips to help you cope

Advice to stay at home

planning for and what to do if you are ill
support for self isolates

Ft coronavirus tracker

A good article about dealing with the feelings of grief that the current situation has given us

advice on self isolation for indivuals with symptoms or and their household

seven day rolling averages

A sustainable exit strategy document

susceptibility to covid by flatlander

bromage article

government guidelines 11th may for England(NI, Scotland and Wales linked at the bottom of article)

breathing practice

lancet articles

help with mask anxiety

video of droplet dispersal

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