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Coronavirus discussion thread

135 watchers
Oct 2020
11:36am, 31 Oct 2020
49,491 posts
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Luckily I was so twitchy that I hadn't booked anything at all and was prepared to take my chance with finding a Premier Inn room somewhere in the south west of England with 24 hours' notice.
Oct 2020
11:44am, 31 Oct 2020
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Communication generally must be an issue, or we wouldn't have so many queries on here about what is and isn't allowed under the current rules. I'm assuming we're all native/very fluent English speakers on here, and yet we still have discussions about it. If English is your second language or you're unsure of what a particular word means and don't want to ask, then you could easily get things wrong even if you're trying your best to follow the rules.

Then there's the large majority of people who apparently don't even follow the spirit of the rules when they're meant to be self-isolating (wasn't 11% who actually followed all the rules while self-isolating?). Personally I think following the spirit of the rules to not meet with anyone or touch shared surfaces at all while possibly infectious is more important than whether you stay within the four walls of your house for 14 days, but 30%+ were going to shops and pharmacies themselves rather than finding another way. Until the known to be infectious people are actually quarantined (and looked after so they don't need to go out) we'll never get the numbers down.
Oct 2020
11:50am, 31 Oct 2020
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Tim of Fife
We had three tradesmen in the house yesterday doing new build 'snagging'. That having been said, they were very much focused on the bedroom balcony and its french doors, so the rooms they were in were fairly 'fresh' (aka bloody freezing).
Oct 2020
11:54am, 31 Oct 2020
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Tim of Fife

Are you Edinburgh-based? We're in Fife.
Oct 2020
12:01pm, 31 Oct 2020
8,729 posts
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I certainly don't know or particularly care about the precise rules but am confident I'm both within the legal limits and keeping very much safer than the vast majority.
Oct 2020
12:15pm, 31 Oct 2020
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yes Tim....
Oct 2020
12:17pm, 31 Oct 2020
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Tim of Fife
I too don't know, or worry myself, about the fine detail of the ever-changing guidance and law. Rather, like jda, I try and be relatively careful. Also, confident that keeping much safer than a lot.
Oct 2020
12:27pm, 31 Oct 2020
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@rosehip I said we would have been further apart based on the closeness of the tables in ther bar which has been signed off as covid safe!

I didn’t say we were 2m away at the pub hence my point entirely - however my parents table seats 8 so them at one end and us at the other and ours is large 6 we could also have put them at the table and us at the breakfast bar!!! it is still further than the signed off table distancing at the pub.
Oct 2020
1:00pm, 31 Oct 2020
1,407 posts
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Just read that its spreading faster than Sages worst case scenario. And because johnsom refused a 2 week circuit breaker, we are now facing at least a month. Surely 2 weeks would have been better for the economy than 4 weeks (which many people predicted would end up happening). Its just remarkable how inept it all is.

I am one of the 10% in the self isolation who hasn't broken it. I haven't left my house for 9 days now, and haven't actually been informed by test and trace that I need to isolate. They literally have zero idea of the real numbers.
Oct 2020
1:01pm, 31 Oct 2020
63 posts
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Boris to hold a news conference at 4pm with Chris Whitty and Patrick Valance. Not looking good.

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Maintained by sallykate
Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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