Coronavirus discussion thread

136 watchers
Feb 2021
10:08pm, 2 Feb 2021
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Ignore me, Germany not changed yet. I think they will. It was a literal interpretation of trial data. There will be follow up data from the now live vaccinations to use soon.
Feb 2021
10:16pm, 2 Feb 2021
27,669 posts
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We have no vaccine deliveries this week or next - from a flying start to a grinding halt
Feb 2021
8:10am, 3 Feb 2021
39,674 posts
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any idea how far through the first 4 catergories you are? have supplies been diverted to locations that are further behind? it was said that it would be a bit stop start, but two weeks off seems surprising
Feb 2021
8:19am, 3 Feb 2021
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My 87yo MiL who is housebound has the district nurse coming out tomorrow to administer jag one which is good news and suggests in Edinburgh they may be getting closer to completing the over 80s group
Feb 2021
9:42am, 3 Feb 2021
1,961 posts
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DocM, this site gives overall progress. It doesn't split into the different groups though.
Feb 2021
9:44am, 3 Feb 2021
772 posts
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If you are struggling to get enough vaccinations to go around then pointing out that there is not yet enough evidence to justify it being given to over 65's might be tempting.

Also there have been arguments that the vaccines should be given first to the younger and more-active population to better control the pandemic. Again the lack of over 65's evidence might make this more politically acceptable.
Feb 2021
9:56am, 3 Feb 2021
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Being charitable, they might be trying to stave off anti-vaxxers or those who are vaccine hesitant from not getting any jab because of perceived lack of evidence.

I don't think there's any issues with safety (although it seems like those who've had covid are getting quite strong reactions when they have the vaccine) but as someone who likes to see the evidence, I'm pleased my grandma got the Pfizer one (which has more evidence, although efficacy seems to be based on such small numbers for all of them I can see how it's hard to overcome the intuitive "there's not enough evidence" thoughts).

Also, perhaps it's a way to "bypass" (for want of a better word) the more vulnerable people (who are likely shielding) and vaccinate those more likely to pass it on to lots of people? It's a competing strategy that I think has some validity. There is a more sinister/cynical thought that pensioners dying off may be cheaper for the state in the long run than younger people with long-covid.
Feb 2021
10:24am, 3 Feb 2021
28 posts
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It's a political move designed to take the sting out of the criticism of not having any of it. Otherwise this policy could have been determined ages ago. If they had 200 million doses of it sitting about , guaranteed they'd be giving it to granny!
Feb 2021
10:31am, 3 Feb 2021
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Tim of Fife
Lockdown until the end of February in Scotland now.

To be honest, I can live with that if it really does get our youth back into schools in three weeks. They are the future!

Fife now 83 cases per 100,000. I think it wss 300+ at Christmas.
Feb 2021
11:25am, 3 Feb 2021
24,718 posts
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Johnny Blaze
There seems to be quite broad stretches of Devon where there are no cases being recorded - 'suppressed'.

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Discussion of coronavirus: share useful information, air your frustrations but play nicely!

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