Contraception for ladies

31 watchers
Jun 2012
8:59pm, 30 Jun 2012
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LOL @ Crazylegs, I may well do that! He did ask once "how much exercise do you do" in one of those check ups, I think I now have some sort of doctor code for "nutter" written on my medical notes. I am unusual - I think in the area where my doctors surgery is, reaching out of the car to get your McDonalds drive-thru is about the most exercise people get.
Jul 2012
8:38am, 1 Jul 2012
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plodding hippo

I put special stars in patients notes for the nutters

Jul 2012
9:49am, 1 Jul 2012
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Kittenheels Kath
Lol PH!

My doctor credits me with getting him back into taking exercise (he swims), and now I can't leave the surgery without him telling me all about his training schedule together with more statistics than is strictly necessary; he's lost lots of weight. I think I might be the only one of his patients who takes any exercise, and am therefore 'interesting'; he keeps offering me loads of health checks, and I'm happy to take them.
Jul 2012
9:59am, 1 Jul 2012
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Still on the pill myself in late 40s. My GP hasn't suggested anything else and from what I'd heard of coils in the past, I would avoid them like the plague myself.
Jul 2012
12:05pm, 1 Jul 2012
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There's a big difference between a traditional coil and a mirena. Had mine replaced a few months back, and even though it's primary use is currently not being tested the day or two of discomfort having it fitted is worth it to not have periods! 11 years since I had one, hoping I can advise my 13yo daughter suitably when she starts!
Jul 2012
9:20pm, 1 Jul 2012
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runner duck
another fan of the mirena coil here, too. it's bliss not having periods. and not having those couple of days a month were running was affected, especially when it coincided with a race day. i had my last one fitted under general anaesthetic which could be viewed as overkill if i wasn't having a laparoscopy at the same time ;)
Jul 2012
4:45pm, 26 Jul 2012
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Well I said I'd report back - he did the normal checks, weight / BP etc everything OK, in fact a bit leaner / lower than a year ago which is all good. We talked about things and the agreement is that I go back every 6 months now rather than a year. Basically unless I have side effects, my BP goes up to something silly or my BMI goes up to above 30 I'm OK to keep taking the pill. Phew!

At the good old "do you exercise" question he sat there open mouthed when I rattled out my training schedule for last week, this week and how to train for multi day endurance events. I think the nutter button got pressed again.

Thanks for the advice girlies :)
Jun 2013
6:54pm, 9 Jun 2013
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I've been doing some calculations (sad I know) and have worked out that I'll get my pretend period right in the middle of my conference in Beijing in August :-(

Does anyone on here have any experience of running two packs of pills together, for important races, holidays etc etc?

I've done some Dr Googling, and apparently period suppression is pretty common and should be effective. Some sites seem to imply that we don't need to have regular pretend periods. I just thought I'd see if anyone had any experiences (good or bad) of doing this :-)
Jun 2013
6:57pm, 9 Jun 2013
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I used to do it a lot, and never had any problems at all. The only reason I don't still do it is because I'm not on the pill any longer.
Jun 2013
6:58pm, 9 Jun 2013
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Thanks Drell, that sounds really positive :-)

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Maintained by Miss Piggy Wiggy
I went to my quacks today to get a repeat perscription of my pill.

He amongst the other doctors i...

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