Contraception for ladies

31 watchers
Apr 2014
5:18pm, 16 Apr 2014
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I am having some success with evening primrose oil capsules HP. Any sort of progesterone makes me depressed so after trying about 6 pills over the last 18 months I have given up.
Apr 2014
2:04pm, 25 Apr 2014
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I'm off to get stabbed up with an implant in a couple of weeks. I’ve been on the pill since I was 15 and quite frankly I am sick and tired of having to remember to take that tiny white tablet (not to mention trying to find the bloody thing when it drops on the floor and rolls under the bed :-/ ) every single day, and then spending the next month worrying I might be up the duff if I'm sick or have the trots.

Anyway, has anyone got any experience of an implant and what do you think of it please?
Apr 2014
2:53pm, 25 Apr 2014
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I fear this is a personal thing but I had depressedness and then unexpected bleeding (sometimes heavy) when I expected little to none on the implant. Had it taken out after about 18months and despite all I was told, have a cm long scar on my inner arm. I'm now on nothing after trying pills, injections, implant, and more pills. On nothing I haven't had depression for 4 years, or a migraine, and I'm much less lethargic. Was a bit of a vicious circle before - weight gain, fed up, lethargy, bad food. so I am very reluctant to go back to taking anything. A more permanent solution may be sought...
Apr 2014
8:43pm, 26 Apr 2014
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Have you considered the Mirena coil? I had very heavy and irregular periods - a short or long cycle made no difference to the flow. I had it fitted and each month got lighter and lighter until it's just a smudge - kept the first one in for 7 years and had it replaced 18 months ago ...cannot recommend it highly enough - though hubby snipped so can't comment on contraceptive effect.
Apr 2014
8:59pm, 26 Apr 2014
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I have an on my second one. I switched from a depo injection and though it took some time for things to settle I'm generally happy with it. my first one I had fitted at my GP practice but it was painful and one of the GP's I worked with suggested I use a sexual health clinic. they do them all the time so are more skilled at them and she was right..much better. I've also had migraines too cos of the oestrogen drop on my period week but they don't seem so bad these days. I'm told there is only just enuf hormone in the implant to stop me getting pregnant wheras the depo had a bucket load in.
Apr 2014
10:48pm, 26 Apr 2014
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I am on my second implant and have had no problems, but I understand they aren't for everyone. They warned me my periods might stop - they haven't, but they have been as normal and predictable as never before, which is good enough for me. They were all over the place and very painful before the implant. I have a good friend though that bled constantly for weeks after having hers and she had to get it removed, and they have been linked to depressive tendencies, but like I say I could not fault mine ( I did wonder at the start if it was affecting my moods, but I think that was down to the 2 small children!?!?).
Jan 2017
8:37pm, 31 Jan 2017
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Can anyone offer advice on endometriosis and the mirena? I have been taking the pill (Femodene then Millinette) for 10 years after finding out I have Endo. Now I have had some migraines, I am 42, my mums sister had a TIA so the GP said yesterday no more pill. They offered me the POP which I said I think won't help with Endo and she agreed, so I am being referred back to the gyn consultant.

I have looked up other treatments, I don't think 'no reatment' will be good for me - last time I stopped the pill (tried for a baby) I became very ill very quickly and ended up stage 4 and had a 3 and half hour laparoscopy. I think they will suggest Mirena, they offered me that a few years back. On the one hand I know they can be brilliant but there are horror stories out there too. (Both in terms of having them fitted if not had children and also once in causing problems).

I don't have any other options I don't think so I might have to try it, but how hard is it to persuade a doctor to remove it if you are sure you want it taken out? It scares me that I won't have control over that. Hope someone can help, I am worried sick.
Jan 2017
8:51pm, 31 Jan 2017
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I am in exactly the same situation, the GP is really trying to push the more a on me but I am terrified that it will make things worse and that they won't take it out. With the Depo shot I took it twice (so 6 months) it made me depressed and out on weight and I had to stop. I am very worried about the mirena having a similar effect. I know there are positive and negative stories out there but we hear the negative ones. I want to hear the ones from women with Endo.

At the moment I am controlling it reasonably well on a low carb diet.
Jan 2017
9:07pm, 31 Jan 2017
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Thanks for commenting Tomsmum. Glad in a way it's not just me that's scared of this, but so sorry you are in the same boat. I wish I could manage without any treatment, time might tell if that's possible while I wait for a consultation. I recall in the past fainting at work, projectile vomiting in pain and being very tempted to knock myself out any way I could to stop the pain. Not looking forward to that starting up again. Two women I work with raved about their Mirena and neither has had kids (well one has kids but both C Section) but neither has endo so I don't really know. But then looking on NHS choices website it's not like we have a whole load of choices to go for. Just entered a bunch of marathons as well. Endometrifuckrightoff.
Jan 2017
9:23pm, 31 Jan 2017
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No experience on endo, sorry. Am on my third mirena (post kids) and due for a new one soon. I'm dreading the change as it's got worse each successive change (uncomfortable, postop pain for a day) but I can say that removing it is very easy and not at all painful-so that shouldn't be an issue if you didn't get on with it.

I love mine, no worry, no periods, so one day of discomfort in five years I can put up with.

I also know people who don't get on with it including one whose mirena just fell out!

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Maintained by Miss Piggy Wiggy
I went to my quacks today to get a repeat perscription of my pill.

He amongst the other doctors i...

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