Jul 2016
12:22pm, 31 Jul 2016
8,986 posts
Took one of my 'cake' ID zones today - really like being able to see these at a glance
Jul 2016
1:18pm, 31 Jul 2016
99 posts
Yes I also took a slight detour for a slice of cake zone. Victoria sponge
Aug 2016
7:38am, 1 Aug 2016
3,189 posts
Kittenheels Kath
I have the honour of being the Conquercise Queen of Surbiton at the moment, but it doesn't seem to matter how many runs I log, my total stays at the same number. Do I have to click somewhere these days to get any training counted for Conquercise purposes?
Aug 2016
7:44am, 1 Aug 2016
2,681 posts
Maybe you're losing old ones at the same rate that you're logging new ones - it's a 12-month rolling total
Aug 2016
7:50am, 1 Aug 2016
16,290 posts
Did a bike ride yesterday in which a visited 4 new zones and took control of another 3, so that was quite a success.
Aug 2016
8:20am, 1 Aug 2016
13,592 posts
Since the new rules came in, my annual rolling total has dropped from IIRC 1119 to 850. This reflects doing at most one exploring run per week rather than the two I tried for a year ago.
Aug 2016
8:38am, 1 Aug 2016
2,656 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
Just double-checking that walking is allowed. So if I'm walking to work and back each day in Genova, I can track it on Garmin and own the entire town centre?
I really wish I'd known about this when I joined Fetch 3 years ago! I'd have racked up zones in a fair few countries by now.
Aug 2016
9:03am, 1 Aug 2016
8,994 posts
Walking logged as cross-training gets 1 point I think rather than 2 for running?
Aug 2016
9:04am, 1 Aug 2016
13,593 posts
Yes, walking counts.
If you have nothing better to do, log and then delete a new run on each old route.
Aug 2016
9:28am, 1 Aug 2016
11,185 posts
I managed to explore a LOT of zones on yesterday's Ride London 46
I've also found two totally unexplored zones not far from me. Must plan a run out there....