Dec 2017
3:06pm, 15 Dec 2017
24,630 posts
I have the family staying for a few days. This thread may prevent a Christmas day massacre.
Dec 2017
3:06pm, 15 Dec 2017
20,571 posts
Sounds grim WS. Stepchildren means I have never had to spend Christmas with my (current) in-laws. I think it would kill me. And OH.
Dec 2017
3:40pm, 15 Dec 2017
28,920 posts
Old Croc
Will be without guests this year. 23rd out of 25 years that the invites remain unaccepted.
Dec 2017
5:07pm, 15 Dec 2017
19,255 posts
Ding Doc merrily on high
Hubbies family here on Boxing Day ..... that’s when I will need to seek refuge
Dec 2017
5:18pm, 15 Dec 2017
17,306 posts
Wriggling Snake
The Nephew saves it, but he's getting to old to mess about now (15), was very sullen and moody in the summer. Last year he was given a little drone that was only useful indoors, he managed to take out the Christmas tree. Good effort.
My favourite, I think I blogged about it, was back when he was 10 or 11, he was running about stark naked, covering his unmentionables with his hands shouting
This was during pudding, the inlaws were not happy.
Dec 2017
5:23pm, 15 Dec 2017
7,637 posts
I think I'd worry about a 15 year old who did that....
You'll have to think of an inappropriate present for this year to cause appropriate levels if disruption.
Dec 2017
5:48pm, 15 Dec 2017
2,750 posts
My Christmas Day will probably be the same as last year.
Wake up, get dressed, run, have shower, get dressed again and then walk the 3.5 miles to visit mum.
Arrive about an hour later to major stress in the kitchen, the cats destroying the Christmas decorations/trying to climb into the fire, and realise that mum has already knocked back a bottle of 'Fizz' before breakfast. Offer to help but get sent out of the kitchen as "everything is under control".
At some stage my sister will arrive from Cheshire with a major hangover with a random bloke.
Mum will then moan about my brother and his family who are sensibly spending Christmas abroad.
Ferry loads of food and drink into the freezing cold and haunted dining room. Shut cats in room away from the turkey. Eat Christmas 'dinner' at lunchtime. Try to hold back the tears as I imagine happier Christmases in the same dining room with my grandparents. Fail to hold back tears. Eat far too much turkey, avoid the sprouts, help mum carry all the plates and leftovers into the kitchen and then 'make' myself eat some Christmas pudding.
Pull crackers, wear paper hats and read terrible jokes.
Help with the washing up (mum won't put her fancy Hunting Scene plates and cutlery in the dishwasher) and sneakily open the bottle of red wine I bought my step-dad.
Move into the lounge to open Christmas presents. Mum and step-dad always open their presents before my sister and I arrive. I've no idea why. Feel bad for buying everyone crap presents.
Settle down in front of the TV*
Spend the next six hours watching crap on the TV including my annual dose of Corrie et al. Have no idea what is happening in most of the soaps.
Have cheese and biscuits.
More TV, feel I am getting square eyes.
Once it gets to 10pm I break the news to mum I'm walking back home.
Start to walk back home and get scared because a strange bloke appears to be following me.
Arrive back home 35 minutes later and head straight to bed.
*When I had a car, at this stage I'd have to drive across to Orgreave to visit my dad and step-mum. Back then, I would then have to eat Christmas dinner #2 as I didn't want to offend my dad. I would also have to avoid alcohol.
Next year I *will* go away.
Dec 2017
6:19pm, 15 Dec 2017
30,067 posts
Old Croc
Will be normal home alone ish
In an ideal world if I didn't work in retail. Or if the shops closed as they did in the 70s I would go away
Family I do have to far away
New person in the house says she will could Turkey (others haven't bothered in previous years)
I have a feeling things will be better
Back to work Boxing day
I get New year off
Dec 2017
6:25pm, 15 Dec 2017
56 posts
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Dec 2017
6:25pm, 15 Dec 2017
57 posts
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