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Bunion advice please

10 watchers
May 2012
10:23am, 2 May 2012
52 posts
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I definitely have a bunion on my left foot. I have known this for about four or five years but ignored it as it never hurt that much, and isn't that bad yet. However, since deciding to start running and the whole Loch Ness Marathon thing, my foot is very painful. During exercise it's actually fine, no problem at all. But afterwards, especially next morning (I usually run/walk about 8pm) it is very painful. I walked three miles on Monday, just for fun, and it hurt a lot, but I was wearing very flat non-cushioning sandals. So when I had to go for a walk to town yesterday, I wore an old pair of crocs and it was fine, actually made it better when I got home than when I left. Then this morning, following last night's run, I could hardly weightbear on it. I hobbled downstairs, put on my crocs, and it on a scale of 1 to 5 it was a 4 when I woke up, it's now a 1. What can I do to it to keep it at that pain level? I am so overweight, but I think as I lose weight trough diet and exercise it will ease the strain, but that's long term. Are there any exercises or anything I can do to the joint in the meantime? I've been long term ill, my doctor absolutely will not refer me for anything that needs a general anaesthetic at the moment so surgery is not an option. And I only intend to run one marathon so I don't care about it long term anyway!

Thank, sorry if that was a bit of a ramble.
May 2012
11:01am, 2 May 2012
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Dunno. I had something resembling a bunion on the heel of my left foot. Don't know if it was or not. I stopped wearing the shoes that caused it and it went down within a couple of weeks.
May 2012
11:18am, 2 May 2012
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Blackbird Leys ( boy)
You could try swimming as it is easy on the body.
Bunions are so painful. I had one that was made worse by the trainers i was wearing at the time. You should go and see a foot doctor about that.
Good luck on your marathon.
May 2012
11:21am, 2 May 2012
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Thanks, I will go but I just know they won't do anything about it yet.

James, a bunion is at the base of the metatarsal, big toe. Causes the toe to change angle and the bone protrudes - slightly at the moment but they usually get quite bad, and then the big toe pushes the next couple of toes out of alignment and makes them sore too.
May 2012
11:21am, 2 May 2012
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I will go swimming too. I hate swimming, but it's on my to do list! x
May 2012
11:28am, 2 May 2012
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Millie I have a painful big toe joint with a bony lump on the top, not at the side, so dunno if that's a bunion or not. The only thing that has helped is to edit very carefully, the shoes I wear. High heels are now a distant memory. If you have shoes which do not make your foot hurt, stick with them while you lose weight and hopefully you will eventually be able to get it operated on. I also found ibuprofen gel or freeze gel, rubbed into the painful bit, helped on days where I had no choice but to wear smart shoes.
May 2012
11:45am, 2 May 2012
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I have a similar lump to that described by LD - I do persist in wearing high heels for limited periods and take painkillers! Likewise can recommend the gels - they really help, especially one called Biofreeze - you can get it at Holland & Barratts. It's not always heel height that makes it hurt though - the fit of the shoe makes a big difference. It never hurts when I run.
Mar 2019
7:06am, 29 Mar 2019
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Morning fetchies I did a search as I thought the question may have been asked before.

So I am also suffering with a bunion I started with a slightly protruding big toe joint and as my mam suffers badly with them and had both operated in I know what will happen.

I am convinced it’s got very painful and much worse since I broke my foot last year I can’t tecalk if physio said it had got worse as a result or if it may have contributed to the stress on my 2nd metatarsal which broke following a previous stress fracture.

My question was going o be anyone have a bunion? Anyone found anything that helps relieve it? I will be seeking a referral to a podiatrist but often others can offer suggestions that may work in the meantime.

Unlike you guys ^^ mine can be painful when I run and Saturday’s marathon was made extra painful with grit annoying it underneath & it is making me very sad. I have a whole new appreciation for what my poor mam has gone through.

Mar 2019
7:29am, 29 Mar 2019
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Mrs Jigs - such a brilliant runner - has made no secret of her bunion woes. She has had both feet operated on ... and continues to be a brilliant runner. I'm sure she will answer any questions you might have.

I have the beginings of one on my right foot. I think theyre just bad luck - altohugh dancers used to get them all the time at very young ages (bloody pointe shoes!)
Apr 2019
10:58pm, 1 Apr 2019
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Thank you sharkie they are a right menace

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I definitely have a bunion on my left foot. I have known this for about four or five years but igno...
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