weird toe clenching

2 watchers
Jan 2021
10:26am, 19 Jan 2021
163 posts
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For a while now I have been getting a weird toe clenching on one foot only which causes the whole of the sole of my foot tob contract really painfully. To begin with it only happened occasionally when running, then always when running, then walking then swimming, even with a pull buoy. I ended up with a torn peroneal tendon because it would force me to walk more on the outer edge of my foot. I have seen an ankle consultant who has no idea but is going to arrange nerve conduction tests. (I had x rays and an mri where he saw the torn tendon and spent 6 weeks resting in an aircast boot).

I have seen a sports physio - who got me referred to the consultant but she had no idea either.

I can barely walk for a few minutes without it happening.
Has anyone experienced this? Has anyone got any ideas? I am female and in my 50s if that has any bearing on it.
Jan 2021
10:33am, 19 Jan 2021
6,286 posts
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That's a new one on me! Can you stop the toe clenching if you concentrate on it? what about seeing a podiatrist?
Jan 2021
10:45am, 19 Jan 2021
164 posts
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yeah I am thinking a podiatrist might be my next call - just a bit reluctant at the moment with the levels of covid. I am trying to work on balance/stability and glutes. Don't know if that will help but it won't hurt.
Jan 2021
11:20am, 19 Jan 2021
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That’s a strange one - not something I’ve come across.

The only thing I can think of would be the following* (plus of course see what the results of tests are/ see podiatrist etc):

- work out how long before it happens in an activity e.g. how long can you walk without it happening.

- set a timer (or monitor time) and walk (or other activity) for slightly less than that time, stop and rest, then repeat.

- gradually build the length of time you do the activity. If it happens, reduce the time again.

* this is based on a pacing schedule that can be used to manage pain and or fatigue and may be helpful here. Not easy to do of course!
Jan 2021
11:29am, 19 Jan 2021
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Derby Tup
Is it cramp? I’ve had it in my big toes before after ultras etc. They wave above rigidly of their own accord :-O
Jan 2021
11:44am, 19 Jan 2021
165 posts
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thanks Pen

DT - I am not sure, could be a cramping but I have no idea why they would cramp.
Jan 2021
5:06pm, 19 Jan 2021
22,435 posts
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I have had that toe cramp thing DT!
Well weird I had it swimming

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Maintained by mathschick
For a while now I have been getting a weird toe clenching on one foot only which causes the whol...

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