Achilles tendon total rupture

1 watcher
Aug 2015
8:14pm, 4 Aug 2015
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Isn't that depressing though, that you should be fobbed off like that initially? It *could* make all the difference to whether you'll be dressing up for HDS or not ;-)
Aug 2015
10:17pm, 4 Aug 2015
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I guess it's the difference between specialisms. The trauma team in A&E aren't necessarily up to date on the latest developments in orthopaedics.

I'd probably have wound up with the same or similar treatment when I got to the fracture clinic just 10 days later, unfortunately that extra 10 days amounts to a heck of a lot more muscle atrophy that takes considerably longer to recover.

Actually you and I need to have a chat about HDS, I'd hate our outfits to clash ;-)
Aug 2015
2:33pm, 7 Aug 2015
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Ok, back from seeing the consultant and apparently what I had wasn't a rupture it was what's called an avulsion fracture - imagine peeling off wax that's dripped down the side of a candle, my Achilles is the wax and my heel is the candle. Quite often it rips lumps of bone off with it :-0 so he wants an X-ray of it next time I go back.

Cast is off :-)
New cast is on :-(
Until Wednesday when I get a VACOped fitted :-)
Which I had to pay for myself so £248 lighter :-(

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Maintained by Molesy
Anyone (else) had one?

Following problems lasting a couple of years with Insertional Achilles Ten...

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