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So when I see the consultant ...

1 watcher
Jul 2015
10:33am, 30 Jul 2015
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1. Everything I've read (I know, Dr. Google) seems to be saying that my best possible chance of a full recovery back to running is early mobilisation with a hinged boot and early partial weight bearing. If they are insistent on a conservative long term immobilisation how should I deal with that? Can I just say "No thank you" and take my business elsewhere?

2. How should I best raise the question of whether my second steroid injection could have been a contributory factor with my Achilles? I don't want to aggravate people/put them on the defensive but would like to raise the subject.

If anyone would prefer not to respond on the open forum please feel free to either discuss it on PM me or PM me for an email address.

Many thanks :-)
Jul 2015
11:40am, 30 Jul 2015
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BTW, hopefully that didn't come across as "I read an article on the interwebnet therefore I know more than a highly qualified consultant".
Jul 2015
11:42am, 30 Jul 2015
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Wine Legs
(I think a lot of people might not know what you're seeing a consultant about...)
Jul 2015
11:54am, 30 Jul 2015
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I am assuming you are having surgery to re-attached a ruptured achilles?

If so, indeed active recovery has the best outcome but may not necessarily agree with NHS protocols and policies. In order to get what you want from a consultant, you need to tread very very carefully and make sure they think it was their idea. Largely they are prejudiced towards people googling their condition and (pretending to) know everything about their specialisation. I played to my surgeon's sensibilities and eccentric character and am getting exactly what I want, but he thinks it is his idea and is grateful that he doesn't have to explain anything because I know so much...

Good luck!

p.s. I am a trained physio, so my opinion does tend to get taken seriously, especially when it comes to rehab...
Jul 2015
12:07pm, 30 Jul 2015
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Your best policy is to be honest. Discuss what you have read, raise your concerns openly. Ask why you are not being offered the treatment that you believe might be best. There could be other factors that you haven't considered that make the treatment that is planned better, or equally your consultant may not have fully realised your desire to get back to an active lifestyle asap.

Trying to manipulate your specialist may work, but most NHS consultants are not as obtuse as people think we are.
Jul 2015
3:29pm, 30 Jul 2015
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I agree with JohnnyO. Just say 'I am a runner and running is really important to me and I would like the best possible chance of getting back to it. I have read this stuff on the internet. What do you think about it?' Most doctors (*most*) are people too..
Jul 2015
3:35pm, 30 Jul 2015
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Sorry, for those who hadn't tied up my two recent posts in here:

I've recently (20th July) had a total rupture of the Achilles whilst on holiday in France. I had surgery the following day to re-attach it and am due to fly back to the UK this weekend. If going down the early mobilisation/active recovery route then the cast should be coming off early next week therefore I'm keen to sort things out as early as possible.

Since I was already being treated by the orthopaedic unit at my local hospital for insertional Achilles tendinopathy (hence the steroid injections) I contacted them direct but they have told me to see my GP who will then need to either refer me to them or A&E. As (bad) luck would have it my GP who is a keen runner himself is currently on holiday so I'll be starting the whole conversation from scratch.

Thanks for your help everyone, it's much appreciated. For those of us who aren't involved in the inner workings of the health service it can be a confusing place to be. It's not helped by never seeing the same doctor twice.
Jul 2015
11:50pm, 30 Jul 2015
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Medical consensus here. Put everything on the table, including that you've been doing your own research into the best treatment for your condition. You'd be very unlucky to get a consultant who refused to discuss the merits of the various treatment options with reference to your particular circumstances because they were being precious about their status.

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Maintained by Molesy
1. Everything I've read (I know, Dr. Google) seems to be saying that my best possible chance of a f...
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