shockwave therapy for patellar tendonitis

2 watchers
Jun 2016
5:24am, 8 Jun 2016
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Anyone ever tried it? Have had this injury in both knees for about 6 months and find it difficult to run, my Physio is suggesting I give this a go, any thoughts?
Jun 2016
8:13am, 8 Jun 2016
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I've got PT as well Boombox. I haven't tried shockwave but have had acupuncture a couple of times and found it remarkably helpful. I only run with patella straps on both knees now - it may be psychosomatic (probablt spelt wrong...) but I feel they help as well.

Good luck and let me know how the shockwave goes if you try it!
Jun 2016
1:55am, 14 Jun 2016
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Hi Tnop, thank you for getting in touch and I feel your pain! I've had this annoying injury for about 8 months and I too wear the straps but sadly don't really find them helpful. I had one session of Shockwave Ther, it hurts a lot but fingers crossed after one session both my knees feel okay. I can kind of kneel down :) have had a light run (About 2kms) yesterday and felt this was an achievement. The Shockwave therapy really hurts to be honest but I got through it with the idea of being able to run again! How long have you had it for if you don't mind me asking?
Jun 2016
8:38am, 14 Jun 2016
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Sounds painful!
I've had ongoing knee trouble for a few years now (kneeling down is just a distant memory!!) but it really only flared up badly in around February. The physio said its basically wear and tear and "not curable but treatable". The acupuncture and knee straps seem to be doing OK (so far at least) and I can manage 10k without too many issues - though slowly it has to be said.
Good luck with yours, build up slowly and let me know how the treatment goes
Jun 2016
9:10am, 14 Jun 2016
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I ruptured my PF in 2010/11 and had basically every form of treatment going short of surgery. Shockwave therapy was the last treatment I had before it slowly started to heal. Given I was unable to run for nearly a year, it might be a factor, it might just have been the passage of time, but I'd certainly say it's worth trying!
Jun 2016
2:44pm, 16 Jun 2016
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Shockwave therapy is very popular in the equine world for tendon and ligament repair. For your physio has it, then it's worth trying.

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Anyone ever tried it? Have had this injury in both knees for about 6 months and find it difficult to...

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