Any computer games fans? (we need a gamers icon!)

54 watchers
Jul 2021
9:37am, 15 Jul 2021
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It normally happens when the Hearthstone meta has settled down, I think I have a decent deck but am still struggling to get past Silver 5, and I wonder if I'm missing something.
Jul 2021
9:44am, 15 Jul 2021
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The Mussile
I sometimes watch a Youtube Channel called Outside Xbox - They are not the typical teenage shouting gaming youtubers but a bit older and with a decent sense of humour and no unnecessary profanity (sound like a prude now :) ).

They do a lot of Hitman videos where they will each take a turn to play the same level in Hitman in their own style. One of them is very good at the stealthy approach, one doesn't bother with stealth much at all and the last one takes some sort of middle path between the two. Its really good fun to watch as they have a decent sense of humour and I love the Hitman games even if I am far too hamfisted to play them well myself (I want to do the full stealth approach and fail miserably everytime and end up frustrated).

They also do a christmas advent challenge thing where they come up with daft gaming challenges for each other.

I'm still playing through Assassins Creed Valhalla, Some drastic difficulty spikes with some of the boss type characters frustrating me at the moment
Jul 2021
5:30pm, 15 Jul 2021
6,872 posts
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I wouldn't pretend my decks are more than mediocre but it feels like the HS meta is far too control/combo oriented. I'm not sure what triggers me more - losing in half an hour to a Soul Fragment / Tickatus Warlock deck or losing in 5 mins to a non-interactive gimmick Demon Hunter Ilgynoth (or whatever it's called) deck...
Jul 2021
5:31pm, 15 Jul 2021
26,296 posts
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I enjoy Nerdcubed's gaming videos - he's a cool guy.
Jul 2021
7:52pm, 15 Jul 2021
1,580 posts
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Bought Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox One today for £21! Looking forward to going back to the gunslinging Wild West! 😊
Jul 2021
10:18pm, 15 Jul 2021
217 posts
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It's good. Be nice to your horse and say hello to everyone.
Jul 2021
1:53pm, 27 Jul 2021
776 posts
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Perfect Organism
The Oregon Trail on Apple was fun enough and very charming, but also really quite repetitive. I've still got it on my phone and may play it through a couple more times, but it's not a classic.

The newest game that has caught my attention is Grindstone on Apple Arcade. It's kind of a "Match 3" game (but you can match way more than 3), that has you clearing mountainous passes of various colour monsters for progression and rewards. It's fun, colourful, has good music, and has got my brain working just a nice amount!
Jul 2021
2:30pm, 27 Jul 2021
14,726 posts
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JK *chameleon*
I wonder if Oregon Trail was a bigger deal in the US than here. I don't recall ever really hearing about it in my youth, but it's featured prominently in episodes of The Goldbergs and American Dad, seeming to be more of a big deal.

I've recently completed the main Talos Principle game, getting all three endings. Having to replay for a few missed trophies which is a little annoying. But a really enjoyable little game, aside from a couple of puzzles being just a little too obscure for me.
Jul 2021
2:37pm, 27 Jul 2021
2,271 posts
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Never heard of Oregon Trail.

I finished KOTOR at the weekend, which was a minor miracle given I didn't pick the "right" force powers.
Jul 2021
2:40pm, 27 Jul 2021
777 posts
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Perfect Organism
Wow, you finished Talos Principle? Well done! I know you were enjoying it, but I also knew you had taken a break from it and I wondered if you had ever gone back? I guess you had! (I'm still on my break from it but I would like to get back into it).

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