An Orange Lifeboat - Are you new to Fetch because The Other Place built a paywall?

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May 2020
4:40pm, 21 May 2020
2,321 posts
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I wonder how many Fetchies consider that the use of pseudonyms is a good feature.

When I first started my own blog, and also when I joined Fetch, I was in medical practice. I sometimes posted about things of a medical nature, but in some instances, outside my narrow speciality. Therefore I thought it was best to remain anonymous to avoid risk of claiming spurious credibility. However, I now think that was misguided and have in fact posted my name and credentials on my own blog site. I occasionally post under my own name on Quora – but in my view, that site has descended into a morass of ill-considered opinion in the past few years, so real names do not appear to prevent posting of ill-consdiered opinion.

I can also imagine why school teachers might not want their students to tease them about their running.

What is the majority view on pseudonyms?
May 2020
4:45pm, 21 May 2020
1,577 posts
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Great minds think alike :-)
May 2020
4:45pm, 21 May 2020
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TheBeardRunner (aka Abul Choudhury
But it seems like Fetchies are a very eclectic group. I don't think you'd choose to be here on a whim or immediate gratification?
May 2020
4:47pm, 21 May 2020
69,695 posts
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I have always been known by nicknames , I was even Gobi on Facebook until it threw an eppy.

I get confused when people call me by my name as it is usually reserved for work colleagues and my mother.

I always liked Big Nose or Weetabix, there have been others but Gobi has really stood the test of time and well like Big Nose is an accurate representation of me.
May 2020
4:50pm, 21 May 2020
1,578 posts
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Canute - I prefer pseudonyms but if any logs races or parkruns on here then that can be looked up and real name found quickly.
A professional body I belong to changed the forum from pseudonyms to the actual name. It killed the forum off, it's tumbleweed now.

HappyG - some people don't use their real name on strava and if you use a different email for sites, e.g. an email you don't give out to people then people can't look you up either. That's why no one can find me on facebook unless I want them to.
May 2020
4:51pm, 21 May 2020
36,325 posts
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I remember finding out that you had been featured in a Runners World article way back when I was first starting and not making the connection because I only ever thought of you as Gobi. Never occurred to me that you had another name to go by.;-)
May 2020
4:56pm, 21 May 2020
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Windsor Wool
If FE was for logging training, tracking progress, insights etc then the use of pseudonyms would be a little infantile I believe.

If FE was a place for general banter on forum threads spanning a hugely eclectic set of topics then maybe pseudonyms are appropriate if a little outdated IMHO.

FE is both so it's hard to say. I've been here a long time so my opinion is less relevant but my sense is that FE can be seen as pretty cliquey and potentially not a home for serious athletes. As a result, I think the site would need to change focus quite a lot to draw a lot of folks over from Strava.
May 2020
5:01pm, 21 May 2020
16,102 posts
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think infantile is a little unfair - it's nice not to be able to be easily traced by colleagues/family/students.
May 2020
5:05pm, 21 May 2020
419 posts
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I prefer pseudonyms. As said above if you try hard enough (well not that hard if we are honest!) from parkrun/race results you can work peoples' names out if you really want to.

You can always fMail and ask me too!!

Granted it can make finding people you know "in the real world" tougher, but if you want to find somebody you can!
May 2020
5:05pm, 21 May 2020
46,647 posts
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Everyone on is a serious runner and they use a different pseudonym every time they post ;)

I like having a little hurdle that means I'm not instantly identifiable on here, though it would take less than a minute to find out my real name and trace some of the "characters" on my blog.

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Maintained by Nellers
Thought there might be a need for a welcome mat for any refugees from the orange site.

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